And here I thought he was just a good actor all this time. But no. He really does fight like a girl. OK, that is an insult to all girls. He fights like a - well, British Blokes, I think you need to step up and defend yourselves here. I know you don't all fight like this. Do you?
I think my cat fights better than that.
Amanda - no kidding! ^_^ And look at the guy he's after - no better is he? It's like watching Bridget Jones all over again.
Well C, my argument rests on this pivotal and (painful) crux:
Regardles of his nationality or sexual orientation, Hugh Grant is a bit of a girl.
The kind of kid who had one of those mop-fringe haircuts, who got picked last for the football team and who flapped his arms around in the air when he ran.
If it came to fisticuffs, he couldn't beat an egg.
However, most of us British chaps are rock hard beneath our silky smooth exteriors. Like the opposite of a cadburys creme egg, really...
I could easily kick a telephone directory in half...
Winters - Whew!! I was hoping you would disabuse me of the creeping suspicion that was beginning to form in my mind (like a slime mold that makes its silent, putrifying way across a scattering of urine-scented mulch.)
Mmm, an inside-out creme egg. I like creme eggs.
Just remember not to let the telephone directory strike first.
That really is terrible form.
Im saddened.
Inside out creme eggs sound messy.
Is that tupperware he's throwing?
Do you think that those could be the keys to the car that he was in with that prostitute on the FIRST go-around?
Leave it to Gawpo to ask that question. Or to even notice the keys in the first place. Everyone else is looking at the tupperware thing. Gawpo sees the keys.
Nobody wins with TKD Tall Chick, nobody. Fighting is bad, acting is good.
he's never been the same without Liz Hurley
give me Colin Firth any day of the week
Logo - is that not painful to observe? *sigh*
Messy, but tasty! ^_^
Kitkat - looks to cheap for Tupperware to me. My money's on Ziplock or whatever the other disposable tupperware is called.
Gawpo - I doubt it. I bet those folks turn over cars almost as fast as they do partners. ^_^
Arm - Good point. Yeah, what's up with that? It's not like they're airplane keys or anything. ^_^
Egan - That's not true. At least one person would win. Unless maybe they used a head butt and knocked themselves senseless. But that's not TKD, so I stand by my original utterance. I think The Prawn could take both those guys by the looks of them. ^_^ I wish they were acting.
Ann - I bet Liz can kick better than that, too. ^_^ Mmm, Colin is yummy. After this, though, I don't want to see him kicking, lest I lose all my lust for him.
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