Tuesday, April 01, 2008

No Pictures!

I took some today, but as I'm worn out and in bed, I'm not posting them 'til tomorrow. Instead, you get this random smattering of stuff.

Emmett has to get a chest x-ray tomorrow because he needs to have his teeth cleaned and he has (most likely) asthma, so the vet has to figure out how to safely knock him out. In the meantime, Enya is in the early stages of kidney disease, so she needs prescription food. Sigh.

Perhaps because of these things, I dreamt that MuNKi got a new, super-high-paying job (that he actually liked) and we were moving to Boston. Additionally, I had to strangle to death a woman who was trying to kill us all. (I think.) It didn't work very well. I could tell, because she was talking to me while I was trying to strangle her. I was pretty squeamish about the whole thing, so that may be why I did such a poor job. It would be nice to be able to say that she had a very telling name, such as "Housework" or "Vet Bills" but she didn't. I'm just a weird person with weird dreams, I guess.

And now, Ear Candy.

This song should be the anthem for the current (or perhaps any) Presidential Race. I ignore the vid and just listen.

And this one is just fun in a totally geeky way. I'm not generally a rap fan, but this partly musical and partly bad rap with some fun lyrics.


egan said...

Freaky dreams there Candace. Are you "balanced"? Um, my wife had one where I gave our daughter an entire bottle of beer. Nice dream eh? I hope MuNKi finds a super awesome high paying job in Seattle.

C said...

No, I think maybe I am unbalanced. Last night I had another one, but this time it was an older dude I had to destroy by throwing rocks at him (while he did the same to us.) I got him. It was really disturbing. Maybe I'm having angst about a tournament that we're going to on Saturday. I don't know yet whether I'll be competing (depends on whether there are any adults in my category) but the kids will be.

C said...

Yeah that's a nice beer dream. Was she mad at you when she woke up?

egan said...

Yes, she was slightly annoyed with me. She has really vivid dreams and can't shake them in the morning.

I find your angst alluring.

C said...

Now and then I'll have one like that.

I find your alliteration amusing.

Radioactive Tori said...

I have the most vivid dreams (they are a million times worse when I am pregnant) and when I wake up I am often actually crying or laughing if I was in the dream. I bet I am fun to sleep near, right?

Maybe you could put it in your subconscious to dream about moving near me. Then we could hang out in our dreams and kill people together. But I'm not so violent so mabye I would just give you verbal praise for the great job you were doing while sheilding my eyes so as not to see.

egan said...

Shall we get a room?

C said...

Tori - LOL! It can be hard to shake those.

Yeah, I would like to have your support in these wacko dreams. I'm being very squeamish, too, in my dreams, so maybe we could both close our eyes. ^_^

Egan - There's always room. ^_^

egan said...

No, a room.. not room. It's imperative that you include the indefinite article.

C said...

Oh, it's definitely an article.

Simon said...

A comment string about articles.
(I have a bizarre sense of humour).

Furthermore, bwahahahah...


SM said...

I've been having some super crazy dreams lately - the pregnancy books and sites don't lie when they say that I'll have vivid dreams. Wowza. Like last night...I dreamt that I was hanging out with Dwight from The Office. Things got a little...ahem...naughty and if I remember correctly...I wasn't disappointed. It was a strange dream to have considering I haven't watched The Office lately.