I have been TERRIBLY lazy about posting pics. I'm sure that if I don't let them out into the blogosphere soon, my computer is going to develop an awful case of constipation. Perhaps tomorrow I can remedy this. . .
Today I taught kid class and no one stayed for the canceled sparring class, so I got to leave on time. I got another $10 in patch-sewing-on work (so far I've gotten, hmm, maybe $130- $150 in work just sewing on patches. Yay!) And then it was off to the Master's house for painting. MuNKi was already there helping to put down the wood flooring. We've been going over for the last few weekends to help out, and the house is really coming along. Both the Master and his wife (and kids, too) are very good friends of ours, and it's always a fun and sociable time. I now sport two different shades of blue paint on my sweatshirt and jeans. I've also come away with a major jealousy of their wood floor (which, fortunately, MuNKi shares ^_^ ) and a desire to paint more rooms. Oh, and the front door. Someday we'll rip up our carpet and put down wood. We're going to start in the bedroom, because what could be better than waking up to wood every morning?
MuNKi made Adobo chicken again tonight, which never fails to please. I adore the leftover sauce and rice. Mmmmmm! And we tried a new wine (see above), which MuNKi loathes, but I find. . . interesting.
I have a new review book. It's called The Grammar Cookbook, and is fantastic. The children were very impressed that it was delivered, in part, by Royal Mail. ^_^
As for me, I prefer waking to the carpet every morning. Unfortunately, back in November mine disappeared with the drapes.
Time for a new decorator!
That was tasty.
Gawpo - was this part of the departure of she who must not be named? If so, that's pretty spiteful of her. Or perhaps you got tired of those things, or were, mayhap, the victim of some sort of home-deco-napping ring? Do tell?
I have a very artsy (online) friend who painted her subfloors. They are beautiful. She painted an area rug in one room that's a jaw-dropper. Oh to have her talent! I think MuNKi's allergies would fare much better without carpeting.
MuNKi - I'm going to pretend you were talking about the Adobo chicken. ^_^
I probably need that book. I don't do grammar good.
Can I tell you that I absolutely love it when you blog about MuNKi? Because it seriously makes me giggle with the links you choose.
Have a great day!
I wood LOVE two wake up too wood every morning...
mmmm, woood
Rob getting some wood...
laid this weekend
(insert gales of laughter here)
OK, but really, the floor in the entryway is almost done too
I love your new cookbook!
Constipation from not posting photos? Well, as long as it doesn't unleash with photo diarrhea. It's difficult to get the right balance.
So how did your Sunday go? Did it compare to Saturday?
Amanda - I seriously recommend this book for anyone who would like to keep an easy and straightforward grammar reference book on hand. It's great! I'm so glad I scored it! :)
~d - heh heh heh ^_^
Logo - I'm so glad to hear that Rob was able to both get wood and lay it. What a lovely weekend. ^_^
Kitkat - That is oh, so true. :-P
Egan - My Sunday was a relaxing affair. But I did accomplish a few things. For a fair portion of it, though, I just felt restless to go buy plants and paint for the front door. GOod thing I didn't. It's snowing like gangbusters now. :-P
Mr. Fab - If I use a coffee cleanse, will that make my computer faster?
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