Yay! This is the second time I've sewn for a baby. I hope I actually get off my duff and mail it. Still working on the card, though... I did write him a name poem for it. I've been experimenting with various embossing powders and stamping glitter, hoping to get inspired for the actual making for the card.
Anyway, here's the gown and hat:
For the gown, I used a lap shoulder T patt and just lengthened it (like that other, floopy-necked one I did) and this time I just made a casing for the elastic, rather than trying to serge in on. I used FOE (Fold-Over Elastic) -- as an Amity Mama suggested I do -- for the neck and it worked GREAT! I love how it came out! The hat is from a sew-along on the Amity's sewing board.
After the hat and gown, I made him a tag blanket with little ribbon loops sewn all around. This is NOT a Taggie(insert trademark symbol here)! I hear they get really POd and sue you if you call them that.
I'll show both sides. Blue is fleece w/embroidered trucks. Crazy turtle fabric is flannel. :)
In other news, I made my sister a GINORMOUS bag. Too big, in fact. Here you see The Prawn STANDING INSIDE it:
And here's a close-up of some of the fabric and stitching. I LOVE the fabric!! It's called "How to Get a Husband." :o)
I'm not sure what the heck she would do with such a bag. Someday I really must start measuring and planning these things...I also posted some jewelry on eBay and have bids on 2 pieces. YAY!!! The pixie anklet is one of my faves:
Seems like I'm making up for lost time on pics. First famine and now feast! Speaking of feast, today we made yuanxiao for the Lantern Festival. (The recipe in the link is the one we used, even from the same book.) Yummy! Next time I'll try stuffing them with red bean paste. They are SUPER easy to make! We had class and sparring tonight and we had our traditional Thursday night pizza, and then I whipped these up while everyone was finishing their pizza. I got some lovely books from Isabella - can't wait to check them out. And I FINALLY got "Eat Drink and be Chinaberry" from Chinaberry. I've been lusting after it for years. Yum, YUM! The kids LOVED the Mocha Snowball cookies.So, you are treated to a feast of pics and links today. Hope you like them!! Happy Lantern Festival!!While I'm at it I'll show the twirly skirt I made The Prawn and the Poodle Hoodie for Sluggie:
PS - Sheila, do you want the bag?? LMK... :o)
Yep, it's STASH GAME time. That's when the Amity Sewing Mamas sew like madwomen, fast from buying fabric and try to use up stash. Points are lost for buying fabric; gained for sewing, selling or donating fabric. I never do that well compared to some of the mamas who get up into the thousand-some points. In fact, I'm doing well if I break a hundred, but hey, it's a challenge and it gets me motivated to use some stash. It's also a great time to sew the Spring Wardrobe for the kids. Between that and PAINTING!!! YES!!!! I've not had time to blog. Yes, PAINTING!!! I'm so excited. I hate boring white (oh, excuse me eggshell) walls. I'm so happy to be painting! I've started with the entryway - well, the entryway WE use. No one comes in through our front door, so I'm starting with the entry from the garage door. It's becoming a lovely light yellowy green called Cabbage Green. I know - not a very inspiring colour name, really, but the colour itself is lovely, trust me. It goes beautifully with Daoffodil Yellow (at least I *think* it's Daffodil Yellow, maybe it's another garden theme name like Anemic Squash or Blanched Buttercup... :o/ ) which is what I plan to paint the kitchen. :o) I let the kids each have a turn at painting inside the closet. I have a hunch I'll get more help tomorrow. I have already spotted green paint in one child's hair and on one cat's fur. :o/ I'm still dithering about the bedroom colour, which is where this whole painting idea originated. I think it's going to be a wine colour, but it may be a deep eggplant (notice the garden reference) instead. For the Master Bathroom I like something called - hmm was it Pumpkin Spice? Orange Spice? Something Spicy anyway. Transition between the 2 could be a problem - as in what colour should the door and moulding be painted? Muted Mustard? Grey Poupon? Ah, there's the rub, and that's why I'm starting elsewhere.What have I sewn? Last night I cut and started on a microfleece hoodie for Kacey which I finished today, and today I made a knit Peasant top for Dags. Since the SG started (Feb 1st), I've also made a valence for Gordy's room, a wall hangning for Molly, a pair of pants for Gordy, a twirly skirt for Kace, a twirly skirt for Dags, a library bag for Gogo (kinda small) and another for Dags (kinda big), Dragon brocade pants for Go, purple ribbed velour pants for Kace, slippers that were supposed to be for Kace and actually fit Dags (supposedly Adult small what's up with that?!?!?!?!) and a microfleece rice bag for my shoulder that doubles as a keyboard wrist-rest. Yes, I've been busy! :o) I've also bought fabric since I'm not supposed to and I must flout authority. I plan to make several more peasant tops for Dags and a hoodie for Mollusc. And I'm sure more ideas will come as I fondle my fabrics. Pictures may appear some day...Actually, I need to go cut some stuff out now...