So much has happened since my last feeble attempt at blogging.
A few weeks go, we went on a jaunt into Canada to get the new Marianas Trench CD. Can I just say this? Oreos. Mmmmmmm! Canadian Oreos don't have all the hydrogenated crap that the US Oreos do, and boy are they yummy. Oh, and Mars bars. :) Actually, the crackers and other snacks are also fantastically garbage-free (relatively speaking.) So here are some pics. I'll save the best for last.

Still in Detroit -- Joe Louis arm sculpture. It probably has a name, but I don't know what it is.

Tunnel to Canada!!! The kids always hoot with delight when we pass signs that say "Tunnel to Canada." It just sounds like a funny concept if you regard "tunnel" as a verb. :-) The traffic going to Canada was fine, the route back was JAMMED.

Bridge to USA. The traffic going our way was fine, the stuff coming out was JAMMED. Boy did we choose the right way to leave and re-enter!
Our mission was a success. We picked up Masterpiece Theatre at Best Buy (for way less than that), and then saw that ALL of the Dr. Who DVDs (new ones) were not only in stock, but HALF OFF!! So that got expensive, but was well worth it, considering we're all complete Who geeks. ^_^ We were forced to pick up an old Peter Davison one, too (Sluggie's fave old Dr.) And, yes, we got a bunch of snacks. Best of all, though, how could I see these and not buy a packet?