"An amazing blog, full of Adventure, Excitement, and Really Wild Things." ~~Marvin
Thursday, June 19, 2008
It's Summer
Right now I'm in the throes of the following:
Lamb (absolutely hilarious!)
Elric: Song of the Black Sword (recommended many times over by a friend and proving to be very interesting, indeed)
The Forest House (I loved The Mists of Avalon, so this has got to be good, right?)
and the audio book The Secret of Lost Things.
Our second library's summer reading program has kicked off, which is the one that has an adult program, too.
And last weekend, we went to the beach for the first time this year. It was gorgeous. Now it's too cold, but I know there are lot of great beach days ahead of us. Ahhhhh, summer! :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Picture This (Part 654)
We found some plates that were made somewhere besides China! (Italy in this case.) MuNKi is semi-embracing my desire to get completely mismatched dishes. My logic is that we can get a bunch of interesting stuff and if something breaks, we simply find another interesting setting. I know stacking won't be the greatest, but who cares? MuNKi liked these enough that he bought a bunch, though. I don't think he's quite on the same page I am.
Lamb's ears. Not deceptively fuzzy. They really are as soft as they look.
I wish I could make the lilac one scratch 'n' sniff.
Cookies, cookies, cookies! They look better than they tasted, IMO. But MuNKi liked them.

So if you put chive flowers in a jar of vinegar (with some plastic wrap under the lid to prevent corrosion) . . .
Emmett is always such a help in quilting.
He's practicing for his role in the upcoming Puss in Footwear here.
Trillian, on the other hand, contents herself with helping to change the lightbulbs.

Awww! Who could say no to a face like this? Well, besides Egan. ;-) (photo credit goes to Mollusc)
And yeah, I'm being brave and posting a pic of my haircut.
I think I look slightly less liney outside. Thanks to Mollusc for the first pic and Fishy for the second. :)
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Schtick Lit

Dr. Evil calls it "the best book I ever read!"
Be sure to buy your copy today.
Monday, June 02, 2008
And if I were to post pics, they would probably be about here.
And here (but further down.)
But I'm too lazy.
My soap is curing in the kitchen. The whole place smells like spearmint and it's just lovely.
I made more cookies from the Martha book and chive vinegar (for consumption) and lemon/orange vinegar for the laundry. What a shame I'm too lazy to post.