Towel Day has arrived, and already our first batch of towels has been put to good use. When we dropped Mollusc off at her writing class this morning, we saw that everyone was outside. Turns out the person with the key is out of town. Fortunately, we all had our towels with us, so we donated them to the group to use for sitting on outside/holding over their heads as umbrellas (rain on the way)/shielding themselves from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, etc.
What are you using your towel for today?
Look for updates on towel usage throughout the day.
Update - OK, I didn't actually take my towel into Target, because I have this thing about taking stuff into stores. Even though most of my towels are ratty and could never be mistaken for store merchandise. If I had, though, I could have used it to wipe away the tears of frustration that went coursing down my face when I found exactly nothing that was on my list.
I will be taking it to TKD, of course.
Sadly I am towelless and the hotel tends to frown on me walking out with theirs. Killjoys.
Only drying off so far, I shall try harder though, promise
Like Logo, only drying off so far. But! I'm going to be leaving work soon (I do not think I can stay until 4:00 on the Friday before a 3-day weekend...that's madness, I tell you. MADNESS!), so I will make sure to use my towel for more fun things. Do you have any suggestions?
You must have the rain we had yesterday. Sorry 'bout that!
It's towel day? Did you make that up? I like it.
TG - that's a bummer. At least you can use it inside the hotel to shield yourself from the scary stuff that happens when you find the lightswitch.
Logo - drying off is a perfectly legitimate use. :)
Amanda - towels are good for any number of things, to include - hiding from co-workers, protecting your eyes from the glare off of smiley guy's teeth, wrapping around your monitor to avoid seeing irritating emails, and wrapping around the newel post at the bottom of the stairrail so you can go sliding with impunity. ^_^
Diesel - I forgot the link. But it's there now. I didn't make it up. It's for real, Man. :)
'Tis mopping my brow as we speak, C.
I am glad a day has been set aside in its honour.
You might keep one handy for smothering cannibals, Winters.
I love that you embrace your inner dork Tall Chick, love it.
Oh yeah, I use a towel to wipe my ass and/or dry my big sweaty balls. There you have it.
Who says it's inner, Efo? It's my Outer Dork as well. ^_^
Your poor towel! I'm guessing you won't be sucking the nutrients from that one, then, or wrapping it around your (main) head any time soon.
I just used a towel for taking my pet Iguana to school. I also use a towel to wrap her heating pad. I have an entire stack of towels by the back door behind the sofa named the 'dog towels'. For wiping muddy paws and doubling as cat vomit cleaner-upers or daughterly fort building supplies.
Happy Towel Day indeed!
Ooh! those are good suggestions! And, what's funny, is that I finally unpacked (we've been back from vaca for over a week) tonight. And I forgot that I got a new towel while in Texas. A Pirates of the Caribbean towel! It was on super clearance at the Disney Store. I giggled when I found it and thought "Towel Day!" Now if only I had a banister to slide down!
I also remembered what I used to do with towels when I was little. I used to put them on my head with bobby pins so it looked like I had a veil on or really long hair. I had to use my imagination a lot growing up with 3 brothers.
And, Egan? Ew...gross visuals with the ass/balls comment. But I snort-laughed.
Claire - Oooh! Iguana-wrangling is a very good use, indeed! :) And the others, too. ^_^ Adams was a brilliant man.
Amanda - HAHA!! That;s so perfect! :)
I love the hair thing. Did you ever see Whoopi Goldberg's bit with the string mop as her "long, luxurious blonde hair"? ^_^
Egan likes to go for shock value. Like with the Polish bike team outfit.^_^
Yes! I have seen that Whoopi thing! It's hilarious! I've also used pillow cases for "long, luxurious hair". Classic.
I am sorry I just don't believe there was nothing to buy at Target;)
Amanda - That routine cracked me up so hard! ^_^
Hoo - Well, I didn't come away empty-handed (I think that's nearly impossible) but I didn't find a single thing that was on my list. Sigh.
In a freak accident of coincidence, and knowing absolutely nothing about towel day, it just so happened that I used my towel today to dry off the water that was on me after I showered. Prior to the shower, there was no water on me. NONE. But after the shower, I noticed that there was water all over me. Un-be-freekin'-LEEV-able, huh? So I took my towel and guess what it did. It ABSORBED all the water. And then I was dry. I couldn't believe it. It was like an early Christmas miracle.
I left the house without my towel (I am ashamed) so I'm lucky that my day didn't involve an urgent need for a personal towel. (Mr. Adams, please forgive me)
Gawpo - that is, like SO weird!! And yes, that IS an early Christmas miracle!
Jali - oh no! But there's alwasy next year. :) Good thing you didn't have to do any space traveling or defend yourself from strange monsters. ^_^
I should be ashamed, missing Towel Day like that. On the 25th, I think I put my towel across my legs when the sun went down.
That is a perfectly legitimate use for a towel on Towel Day. :)
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