This is what happens when I open my laptop to write. I mess around on my blog and Facebook, and wait for someone to plonk me in Gmail. Oy.
Speaking of Facebook, I suppose one of these years I ought to change my avatar. I keep getting friends requests from boyz (yeah, young) that I know are based solely on my avi. Sad part is that while I'm shaking my head I can't help but smile a little, too. ^_^
And now for something Completely Different:

Snowflakes!! Devour them!!

Is it possible to choke on a snowflake?
Yup, I've choked on a snowflake before! I can be such a klutz!
I just joined Facebook yesterday. Everybody kept bugging me to join. Just what I needed, ANOTHER time waster!
Now I'm curious as to what your avatar looks like. So far, I've only gotten one weird friend request. It was from some dude who's profile picture was his penis. Yeah, I need people like that in my life...
Ha! I love it that your geeky behind is attracting (that looks like it's spelled wrong) the boys. I'm assuming it's still the geeky butt, however. If not...ignore the first sentence.
Are you getting lots of snow or just a little dusting?
Dude (well, dudette), is that what they call snow????
Oh yeah, now I gotta see your avitar...that's what she said
I think you can only choke on those waxy hollywood set snowflakes.
Tshsmom - Egads! LOL! ^_^
Oh, Facebook is such a fun time waster. ^_^
Kitkat - I would never use my penis as an avatar. Well, since I don't have one. . . But I wouldn't be comfortable using other fleshy bits, either. ^_^ That's kinda creepy to get those invites, isn't it? :-P
Arm - Yep, it's still my geeky butt, LOL! We got a dusting yesterday, but today it's comng down in big fluffy flakes. :) Yay!!!
Michael - Nah, that ain't snow yet. I'll show you a pic of REAL snow as soon as I get off my lazy butt and take one. :D
Have you got a Facebook acct?
Cindrarella - Har! Not fun! I once got a piece of plexiglass shaving "snow" jammed into the end of my finger. Had to go get it surgically removed. Totally sucky experience. :-P
Facebook always bogs me down. I cannot resist its siren song.
In fact, I think I hear it calling now...
Oh no! You can resist! I know you can! OK, well, seeing as how I just came from there, I have no room to talk. . . ^_^
Yep, I'm young...... :)
Shit, it's my move isn't it? I will get on that. Snow is so cute.
TG - ^_^ What can I say? ^_^
Egan - Yes it is! Cute? Have you never shoveled mounds of it then? But yeah, it's pretty cool stuff. (groan)
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