Wow! The first song from the new Getaway Drivers CD is #1 in the Indie Rock category at Acid Planet right now. :) Go check it out, eh? (play button to the right) Go sis!! ^_^
Sorry? You didn't order SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, Trudy, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM? How about the SPAM special? ^_^
Random Item of the Day: While I think that French can be a beautifully expressive language, there are some things that just don't come off very well in translation, the name Capitaine Crochet being one of them. ^_^
Cool song. I like the beat. It's easy to dance to. I give it a 75, Dick!
Wow. I can't believe she called you a Dick.
Tshsmom - ^_^ Cool, huh?
GuTTer MuNKi - you are an evil man. You will get your comeuppance later. }:->
Sounds a little like Pete Townshend on a country stage. Never heard of them before, thanks Candace.
Tobster - they're a Madison Band. :)(my sis is the backup singer and fiddle chick)
I think that can be said for a lot of different languages.
What is this with Jason Isaacs?? I can't read it because it's in French. Dammit!
He's Mr. Darling/Captain Hook in Peter Pan (2003). IMO Captain Hook sounds a lot more formidable than Capitain Crochet, LOL! That makes me giggle every time I think about it. ^_^ Look out!!! He's making a Granny Square!!! ^_^
That is too classic.
I need to study up on my imdb - I've only recently become obsessed with Jason Isaacs.
Cool track - your family is just bursting with talent.
I sink you need to learn zee French language madame!
-Captaine Crounche
P.S. I think I like your sister just a tiny bit less than you. A tiny bit.
Amanda - he's very good in this. I've only just recently come into my own Jason Isaacs obsession. ^_^
TG - You are too kind. :) It IS a cool song, isn't it?
Egan - I ♥ Capitain Crounche. You like my sister slightly less than me, or slightly less than I do? Either way I win, so it's cool. ^_^ (yes, sibling rivalry! you should see us pillow fight ;) )
thshmom stole my comment!!!! I had it exactly as posted in my head as I was waiting for the window to open! Ha!!!!!!!!! Only mine had a slightly higher score. Very funny. I got outgunned. Come to think of it, didn't I already post said comment last time? Hmmmm??? Maybe we're really looking at a case of----that's right-----you guessed it: copy catter, dirty ratter!
Ya know, that just made me think. Do children really come up with those sayings? I hardly think so. I think there's some adult writer who floats them out to kids and they run with it. Today I used, "I know you are, but what am I" to another deputy. And I told an inmate who asked me what movie I was going to show, "That's for me to know and you to find out." Neither of them got it.
What music do you keep wanting to send me?
AND, I do not know the motor boat guy...AND, I left a challenger joke on the fridge post at my place.
French sounds a lot better when I'm not the one speaking it, sigh.
Gawpo - Feeling paranoid? maybe she's following you from in front.
How could they not get that? Jeez, no wonder the guy's in prison - criminally stupid. ^_^
~d - yes - THIS music. (Getaway Drivers) I'll get off my butt and do it. :)
Ldbug - sadly, the same is true for me. :-P En Garde!!! Capitaine Crochet has made an afghan and is going to smother us all! Eeeeeeeeeeek!
LOL "I have a doily here, and I'm not afraid to use it!"
Candace I've got to pick your brain about HS routines!
I read several books at once too lol,drives hubby mad.
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
Neener, neener, Gawpo! Firsties for ME!!
You must be a former American Bandstand fan too. ;)
tshsmom, smshsmom! Yep. You sure got that right. Loved ABS. That is so cool that you and I are such close sibs on that score. (Get it, Candace? Music show? Score? Yeah.) Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, burning up BANDwidth here on Candace's STAND. Gawd, I'm smokin' hot right now. I can't miss. They just keep on comin' out before I even know what HIT me. See? Another one. It's like laying GOLDen eggs. Yo soy en fuego!!!
Joe - LOL! ^_^ Ooooh - Capitaine Crochet and the Antimacassar Massacre! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Bugs - Feel free! my email is milkmaidenster at gmail dot com. :) Tshsmom, Logo and Sighsofmylife are in the hs club, too. :)
Tshsmom - That's still no excuse for calling me a Dick. ;-)
Gawpo - "Is no fuego, Manuel. Is only PRACTICE." hahahahaha!!! But seriously, I have to NOTE that you are a CYMBAL of inspiration to us all. That may have been a RECORD number of puns. Do you you have a paid STAFF to help you come up with these? I'd like to see what sort of BASS comments you'd have come up with for our Dueling G-STRINGS post when sis was visiting. :) The KEY, of course, is to C who can find a pun with the most layers of meaning. That's what gives me the most TREBLE. (ok that was lame, but close ;) )
I like a good pillow fight. I have a feeling you would win Candace and I'm not sure I'm up for boosting your ego.
-Captaine Crounche
But you have the distinct advantage of height and endurance. . . ^_^
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