"An amazing blog, full of Adventure, Excitement, and Really Wild Things." ~~Marvin
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Digital Diarrhea
You've heard of diarrhea of the mouth? Sometimes it happens with my camera. Luckily for you, you have the option of clicking the hell out of here at any moment. ^_^
I have my mittens on. May I go out to play with the birds?
Look, Ma: no Adobe! Is this where people got the idea of lighting trees?
Needless to say, we've been loving the ice. Beholding the dazzling beauty is almost a religious experience.
Okay let me guess: Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Titmouse? Am I close? The Cardinal was pretty easy, but I don't know eastern birds very well. What is the little warbler looking gent? Do you know? Those are GORGEOUS pics, Candace. Please, please take more.
Very good!! :) The yellowy dude is an American goldfinch in his winter plumage. Cutie, eh? I'll have to try to snap some of the nuthatches, chickadees, downy woodpeckers and red bellied woodpeckers. :)
Lovely crystaline world... refreshing as a glass of ice water. The birds are gorgeous in their striking winter togs. The branches seem to be covered with wee buds - is it a forsythia mayhaps, a pussy willow or a lilac?
I hate being outside this time of the year, but it's picture like yours that make me want to go and explore with my camera. Although my hands aren't as steady when it's in the minus degrees outside!
Gawpo - Is that some kind of a yolk? I nearly entitled this "17,000+ Words" But I decided that "Digital Diarrhea" was the nest best thing. ^_^
Kitkat - mmmm, no, I don't like single digits either. We're in the 20s and 30s mostly. I had my fill of the singles and below zeros in WI. :-P
Joe - oddly enough it's a tree. Everything was fooled by our warm Dec and started budding out. I hope this doesn't do bad things to the trees and plants. :-P
Winters - Thanks. It's Winters weather here for sure. ;) I was out taking these in just a sweatshirt, though. (Well, and pants. Oh, and also jeans ^_^ Luckily for me, they didn't end up in the tree. ) It's not really that cold. Pretty weird. But it sure is sparkly and beautiful.
Poly - Thanks. :) Unlike the Great White North, it's not really that cold here, which of course makes it a lot more pleasant for picture-taking.
Diesel - Yep, MI. Sounds like it's not too different in sunny CA, LOL!
Amanda - thanks. :) I liked his expression, too, as well as the somewhat shifty-looking blue jay's. ^_^
Cindra - thank you. :) I took a bunch more today. We'll see if any are worth posting. . .
Egan - you are showing compassion for my pussy. How sweet! >^_^< Glad you liked the pics. I don't have one flaw; I have MANY! ^_^
~d - do show!! :)
Tshsmom - I used to think ours left for the winter before I found out they lost their colour. :-P We're lucky that they stick around. :) Last year some bluebirds even stuck it out through the winter! Yes, I do love digital for just that reason.
Snow - I especially love when a bunch of the male cardinals sit in a snowcovered bush. I'm going to try to get a pic of that.
TG - excellent point! :) I'm actually rather shocked that we still have power. With all the strung wires around here, it usually doesn't take much for the power to go out.
I got lucky with the birds. Took those through the window. (cheater, cheater, eh?)
Poo my post from last night didn't go through(curses at Blogger!) Love the pics,natures' ice sculptures are facinatingly beautiful. Love those brilliantly coloured birds,they almost look like they've been dipped in food colouring lol.
Bugs - Stinking blogger can be SUCH a pain! I',m just amazed by some of the icy wonders out there. And yes, some of those birds are almost unnaturally bright, LOL!
Egan - how sweet of you. Esp the fire thing. EXCELLENT! What about the cat thing, though?
Lady Bonds - Heh! A passel of children and cants does ensure plenty of photo ops. Ooooh! Did you say 60? That sounds pretty nice. . .
I do love me some Card. I didn't even know he had another one out 'til I saw a friend reading this one.
I should try the rest of the Hatrack RIver ones. (Alvin Maker series?) I think I only read #1.
Okay let me guess: Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Titmouse? Am I close? The Cardinal was pretty easy, but I don't know eastern birds very well. What is the little warbler looking gent? Do you know? Those are GORGEOUS pics, Candace. Please, please take more.
Very good!! :) The yellowy dude is an American goldfinch in his winter plumage. Cutie, eh? I'll have to try to snap some of the nuthatches, chickadees, downy woodpeckers and red bellied woodpeckers. :)
Glad you liked these. :)
A picture's worth a thousand.......birds (sorry....not really. don't know how i could have missed THAT one!)
I love the look of ice on branches. So winter-wonderland.
I am not, however, loving the single-digit weather we're having currently.
Lovely crystaline world... refreshing as a glass of ice water. The birds are gorgeous in their striking winter togs. The branches seem to be covered with wee buds - is it a forsythia mayhaps, a pussy willow or a lilac?
Beautiful pics, C. I particulary like the birds. Looks a trifle chilly out there.
Awesome pics C!
I hate being outside this time of the year, but it's picture like yours that make me want to go and explore with my camera. Although my hands aren't as steady when it's in the minus degrees outside!
Gawpo - Is that some kind of a yolk? I nearly entitled this "17,000+ Words" But I decided that "Digital Diarrhea" was the nest best thing. ^_^
Kitkat - mmmm, no, I don't like single digits either. We're in the 20s and 30s mostly. I had my fill of the singles and below zeros in WI. :-P
Joe - oddly enough it's a tree. Everything was fooled by our warm Dec and started budding out. I hope this doesn't do bad things to the trees and plants. :-P
Winters - Thanks. It's Winters weather here for sure. ;) I was out taking these in just a sweatshirt, though. (Well, and pants. Oh, and also jeans ^_^ Luckily for me, they didn't end up in the tree. ) It's not really that cold. Pretty weird. But it sure is sparkly and beautiful.
Poly - Thanks. :) Unlike the Great White North, it's not really that cold here, which of course makes it a lot more pleasant for picture-taking.
Candace - Michigan, right? Very cool pics. I'm glad to be enjoying them from California though. Although last night it rained and THEN froze here....
Love the photo essay! And the closeup of the cardinal. I imagine it saying "Hey! Whatchoo lookin' at? I'm freezin' my feathers off out here!"
And the cat paw picture is classic!
Those are beautimous! TOO much fun, Candace...I love yer digital diarrhea and hope you are often afflicted.
I think it's very unwise to leave your kitty cat out in the cold. It appears she's frozen. Time to thaw her out.
Um, the photos are fantabulous. I mean it Tall Chick. I'm very impressed. Do you have a flaw?
I swear I did that the other day at the boat launch...just click click clicked away with my gamera!
OK, now I know where my goldfinches go for the winter.
I LOVE cardinals, but we're too far north for them. :(
Diarrhea is what's so cool about digital cams! We can keep snapping away until we get it just right.
Wow! I love the birds, so colorful against the ice!
Diesel - Yep, MI. Sounds like it's not too different in sunny CA, LOL!
Amanda - thanks. :) I liked his expression, too, as well as the somewhat shifty-looking blue jay's. ^_^
Cindra - thank you. :) I took a bunch more today. We'll see if any are worth posting. . .
Egan - you are showing compassion for my pussy. How sweet! >^_^<
Glad you liked the pics. I don't have one flaw; I have MANY! ^_^
~d - do show!! :)
Tshsmom - I used to think ours left for the winter before I found out they lost their colour. :-P We're lucky that they stick around. :) Last year some bluebirds even stuck it out through the winter! Yes, I do love digital for just that reason.
Snow - I especially love when a bunch of the male cardinals sit in a snowcovered bush. I'm going to try to get a pic of that.
SO long as you have power and you don't have to drive anywhere it can be very pretty. And your pictures capture that nicely.
TG - excellent point! :) I'm actually rather shocked that we still have power. With all the strung wires around here, it usually doesn't take much for the power to go out.
I got lucky with the birds. Took those through the window. (cheater, cheater, eh?)
Poo my post from last night didn't go through(curses at Blogger!)
Love the pics,natures' ice sculptures are facinatingly beautiful.
Love those brilliantly coloured birds,they almost look like they've been dipped in food colouring lol.
I don't believe you have a flaw. I really don't. (yes, I'm giving you a pass on the fire thing)
Geez. Now I want to move up north and get a cat and four kids.
If only it weren't 60 degrees and rainy over here...
And there aren't any cats here, either...
But roger on Empire. Next up on the reading list. Been a while since I've OSCarded.
Bugs - Stinking blogger can be SUCH a pain! I',m just amazed by some of the icy wonders out there. And yes, some of those birds are almost unnaturally bright, LOL!
Egan - how sweet of you. Esp the fire thing. EXCELLENT! What about the cat thing, though?
Lady Bonds - Heh! A passel of children and cants does ensure plenty of photo ops. Ooooh! Did you say 60? That sounds pretty nice. . .
I do love me some Card. I didn't even know he had another one out 'til I saw a friend reading this one.
I should try the rest of the Hatrack RIver ones. (Alvin Maker series?) I think I only read #1.
Are you calling me a pussy?
Oooh! If the muff fits. . . ^_^
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