Say the words "crochet" or "knit" and I bet the things that come into your mind are words like "doily" or "antimacassar," "frumpy," and "Grandma."
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Whether it's a knit edible V-string, a skull afghan, or your own Weasley sweater, the yarnier arts have come a long way.
There are books for sexy knits and already made crocheted bra and panty sets.
Mmmm! Bacon and eggs (see sidebar there.)
Got Goth? (More Bacon? ^_^)
Or maybe a digestive tract is more up your, uh, alley.
And I defy you to tell me that this screams Grandma. If it does, you may want to go home and rethink your life.
Oh wow, Candace.
You've given me some wonderful ideas for next years state fair.
What a great way to end my evening!
I've said it before, but your links are classic. You rock.
I like your new blog - it has ladies on it. I like ladies.
hope you're cool,
Amanda - I was really surprised to see how yarny stuff has been thrust into the (sorta)new millenium. It's definitely Not your Mama's Crochet.
Kay - OMG, KAYYYYyyyyy! What happened to your blog? I was beginning to think that the sausage dog had eaten you. It's good to see you again! :)
I know - knitting has definitely found a new generation. I think my grandma might go "OH!" if she saw some of the things you linked to. And then she'd probably try to make it.
LOL! I like your Grandma! ^_^
I LOVE the licorice idea!
I've always thought warmth, when knitting or crocheting. Looks like I should be thinking skimpier. ;)
Although...I did crochet a penis cozy(wienie warmer) as a gag gift once.
who woulda thought?
Grandma be lookin' hot in that pic.
Are you going to submit a caption or not? And by "a caption", I mean "16 captions."
Wow! Crochet and sexy are two words I'd never put together before. Thanks for the enlightenment.
I instantly think of my mom when I hear those two words.
Sorry to have shouted up there, oneof my sproutlings waqs on the laptop b4 me :(
I wanted to ask you, what site did you get to to reteach yourself to crochet? I love what you did a few posts ago, I would like to tach my daughters to crochet, and my sons if they wanna.
I thought the lady with the woollen ear-mufflers had a delightfully wistful look about her.
In fact, I found the woollen ear mufflers sexier than the crocheted bra and panty set.
Tshsmom - I would NEVER have thought of using licorice. I wonder if it's hard to pull through. You really did a penis warmer? That's hilarious! Though I suppose it could be a necessity in MN. ^_^
Good for me - not me, that's for sure! Now I want to try something funky. :)
Diesel - holy cow, the week got away from me again. You may, indeed, expect my ridiculous overcontribution. :)
Carla - pretty wild, eh? I'm beginning to look at them very differently now. ^_^
Egan - I think you need to go home and rethink your life.
Cazzie - I'm thinking that as an actual swiming suit it would be tres impractical, but as a just for fun thing, would be a blast! ^_^
Haha!! My sproutlings do that to me to. I love that term. ^_^ I'll post the site so it doesn't get buried in case anyone else wants it, too. My daughters are wanting to learn crocheting now, too. Probably the simplest thing they can start with is a bracelet. I'll try to post about that, too.
WInters - I'm not sure you don't need to go home and rethink your life as well. Then again, you are attracted to women with heads, so I guess that's a good thing. ^_^
Egan thinks of his mom...but I wonder what she would think of some of these things. I'm actually rather curious since she made a living off selling stuff to knit & crochet.
I think the best part is finding a loose thread and just, y'know, giving it a little tug...
Cool! Never saw this kind of needlework before...you could totally pull off that swimsuit, C. You could.
Arm and Candace, I chatted with my mom this weekend about crocheting and knitting. I want her to get a new interest in teaching this stuff again. I failed to mention some of the more elaborate designs though. Yes, I'm rethinking my life Tall Chick.
Egan I think it's great that you are trying to get your mom interested in this again. There really is a new demand for these crafts. Even if some of the new stuff is a little...less than traditional. And just think of the bond it could create between her and the little monkey who's arriving in August.
See crafts need to be marketed like that!!!
Yeah ARM, we'll see what happens. She currently teaches classes, but mainly to the AARP crowd.
Went on a knitting spree this past winter and made an ok afgan and a lame-o scarf. That's about the extent of my 'talent', haha. Still it is fun. I like to invent my own patterns. They pretty much all resemble some form of a basketweave.
Oh my gosh! ROFLMAO! That bathing suit totally cracked me up, and I don't think it was supposed to, lol!
I think it's the granny circles on the boobs that did it!
I LOVE to crochet, and I've made some really cool scarves that are pretty stylish, if I do say so myself. :)
Amanda - That's a good Q. Maybe Egan will ask his mom for us what she thinks of this sort of stuff.
TG - Wicked, wicked man!!
Cheendra - maybe I should do one up for testing. They would probably never let me back into the gym! ^_^
Egan - you should ask her what she thinks about that stuff. No, really!
Amanda - I bet she could make a killing doing up some of this funky stuff and eBaying it. :)
Ldbug - it really puts a new fafe on the whole thing, doesn't it?
Egan - I bet there's not a huge demand for this kind of pattern in the AARP crowd. But I could be wrong.
Claire - a whole afghan? I find that very intimidating! I would probably create a big (or small) UFO and then just feel guilty about it for years. :-P Basketweave is beyond my skill sos far.
Dawn - Isn't that the wildest thing? The boobs are kinda like targets. ^_^ Have you taught any of your kids to crochet yet? Mine are interested. We'll see how well I can teach it. :-P
So I opened this page at work today and this lady walked behind me just as the swimsuit was loading on the screen. She thought that this swimsuit was the funniest thing she had ever seen in her life. I just thought I'd share that with you.
No, you're right. I mean there's a saggy demand for it. It's well worth the time and energy. I will Ensure your success Tall Chick.
Oh no you did not just do that with the Ensure comment.
Now I can't stop laughing.
Amanda - LOL! I'm glad she wasn't offended. ^_^
Egan - What a cheeky monkey. Urine trouble now.
Amanda - There might be a market for crocheted Ensure covers. What do you think?
"urine trouble" man, there's a reason I love you Tall Chick.
Coly HOW! That looks so perfectly comfortable. And easy to clean. You could pack a gallon size Ziploc with enough to get you through an entire 12 day cruise!
Shall I knit you one then? ^_^
I tried teaching Amanda and she had no patience for it. She's not as artsy fartsy as I am, I guess.
Matthew actually expressed an interest, which scared me a little, lol. Of course Rob said, "No way!"
I'll have to work on Natalie when she gets a little older.
Yes! But can you work in a fly?
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