Sisters are important. They lean on each other, protect each other and nurture each other. We planted the Three Sisters in one of our gardens today. (Did you find the hidden link?) I don't know what I'd do without my sister, but the world may safer for the fact that there are only 2 of us. :-)
In other news, a baby squirrel was on the deck this morning. His feet and tail look ever so big on his little bod. :-)

Here's my innocent lamb, spots and all. The ones on her face don't show up so well in this pic, and bear in mind, of course that her back and legs are COVERED as well. Someone at TKD actually asked me if the spots were medicine - did she have measles or something? As IF! Like I would seriously contaminate everyone in the dojang by bringing a spot-riddled child. Humph!

And lastly, but not leastly, sigh, my laptop puked again. *weeps* This time I think I only lost the new children's book. Easy enough to redo, but still. Oh, and I'll have to suck in all my music again. :-( Oh well, my kiddos are watching SW Epi II and I'm going to, too. :-)
I just found a squirrel on our deck too! By our bird feeder. It was the cutest thing. I was wondering how the bird seed was going so fast (it's gone in a day each time I fill it).
I hate losing stuff on my computer. now i have gmail accounts backing up everything i've written. so if the cds fail, at least they're online...
have your kids watched all the star wars films in order? I really think you should show them eps 4 and 5 first before going to ep 1-3. then jump up to 6 last. but that's just me. :)
Candace said...
Blonde- Hi! :-) They sure do suck up the seeds, don't they? Though at our house it's the raccoons that REALLY clean it out if we don't have something else out there for them. Actually, even having something out there just for them often doesn't help, so we've started only putting a day's worth of seed out for the birds. :-/
Poly- Gmail accounts? That's an interesting idea! I've been using a flash stick to back most of my stuff up to another drive somewhere (actually I give it to John and he puts it somewhere, LOL!) so most of my stuff is backed up. I was just trying to back up again when it puked on me. :-( I lost 15,000 words of a novel and a bunch of other stuff last time this happened, so I've been doing pretty well at backing up since then.
We've watched the SWses in all kinds of orders. I do like watching 4 and 5 and 6 - or at least 4 and 5 - before 1, 2 and 3. Just like I like to read the Narnia books in the order in which they were written. I'm trying to decide if 1 or 6 is my least fave. Sounds like 6 is yours.
Jack - I'm not sure what dh is putting it on, but most of it is backed up somewhere.
Oh, that one's the squiddle. Rabies Baby is a raccoon. I'll see if I can get a pic of him tonight. Got a name for the squiddle? Maybe Austen. :-D (squiddle - Mike Meyers - Austen Powers)
I named him Hammy, remember? =D
Cute pics!
Oh that's right! OK, so baby squirrel names required, LOL!
that is terribly adorable
No i don't mind ep 6. I hated ep 1. that was a waste of time for me. nothing in that movie was necessary. 6 just had bad acting, that bothered me, watching it years later. that's it. i can go beyond that for now. just never in a hurry to watch that one... but will watch it when viewing the others in order... just for "closure" :)
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