It was warm and rather lovely today. Perfect for raking up all those leaves from the giant oak tree and burning them. I can't believe how so many, many, many leaves can be reduced to so little when they're burnt. I put a bunch in the composter, too, but there were far too many for the bin to handle. So the rest have become ash for our gardens.

Nothing like sitting in a crunchy pile of crisp, brown leaves

Raking is hard work!

Fire Guard

The flames are hypnotic.

^This one shows what a pumpkinhead Fishy still is. And yes, that's a leaf on top. :)

In other news, the wife of a friend from TKD/co-worker of GuTTer MuNKi's (aaaaackkk!!) had a sweet baby girl on the 2nd. I made her a tag blanket today. Not sure what else I'll come up with, but these are always fun.

Theoretically, you will have shorter blogposts to look forward to, as I'm writing more (non-blogstuff) again. Hooray for all of us!!
I'm not commenting on this post, or that's all I have to say.
I know. Poor Egan.
Poor environment. What's so bad about composting?
Raking is easier when you utilize child labor :)
Egan - Composting is the bomb. Unfortunately, I had FAR more leaves than I had room for in my compost bin, so we burned the rest along with the dead cosmo stalks and garden stuff. Don't worry. The smoke blocked out some of the evil sun's harmful UV rays. ;)
Kitkat - you are SO right! :)
I love the tag blankies. I make blankies for new babies, but I can never get the corners just right so they end up being sewn over and over and over...and over.
I hope you know you're going to hell for all that burning. Mother Nature shuns your behavior and your blatant disregard for the ozone layer.
~d - oh yeah, those mitered corners - ACK! You're a brave woman!
Egan - I like fire, therefore Hell would not be a proper punishment, so no I'm not. Mother Nature sent me a talking chickadee thanking me for helping to thicken the ozone layer. She also said I should tell you to think about having a big ol' bonfire. You think primal screaming is good? Try a big-ass fire! (Even better if you dance around it naked and do some primal screaming - woo hoo!)
And you really solicit sex tips? I have to hear the advice. Ready when you are...
Sounds like you're the solicitor here. :)
Sorry, Dude, you've gotta find the boards. I don't want those kinds of hits on this blog.
OK, OK, I'll give you one. You start with a bonfire. . .
Create a bonfire and get nude on the bearskin rug? Can you point me in the general direction of your naughty blogs? You can shoot me an email too.
Bearskin? That's not nice, unless the bear is still in it, in which case, I'd say it would be exhilirating, but highly dangerous.
Sure! Right over there. (points) And also there. (points)
OK, maybe I will email you one of the not blog ones. Someone actually found the blog. I was shocked. Gotta stop leaving hints in my posts. :)
I must be what kind of sage sex advice you solicit.
I'm not sure how to interpret that, so I'm going with "typo."
not celebrity
Yikes... it was a typo and a pretty bad one at that.
Thanks for rubbing it in though. You better make sure you never make any typos on my blog Tall Chick, none.
Muahaha! Me? Tpyos?!?!? Nwver!!I am teh grwatest typoist eber!!
You have to admit that it made for a very interesting comment. ^_^
It did make for a very interesting comment. I'm prone to that sort of thing with all the blog comments I submit. I will do better. Now leave me alone so I can read those wang quotes.
Shhh! I'm writing!
Wang quotes make me laugh. So do pants quotes. Life is good.
Everybody Wang Chung tonight
Oooh! Good one!
♪"Oh this line, is the flat horizon and you are the shape on the left."♪
I have written 142 words, but they are more inspired than my rough draft. . .
Is that a movie quote? I'm not good at Tall Chick movie lines.
The quote is from a song, the title of which you bandied carelessly about (narrowly missing my head.) The other part is my own original work.
I only quote a few movies. But one of them, at least, is somewhat obscure, I guess. OK, that's not true. I probably quote a fair number of movies.
You should see Boondock Saints. Then none of my best quotes will be wasted.
MuNKi and I are having a competition to see who can fit the most Saints quotes into regular conversation with normal (ie "not us") people. So far he's winning 2-1. There have been opportunities for us to use some others, but the setting was not appropriate. I should send you a clip, but it might wreck the film. If you promise to only watch it once, I'll send it.
You like the movie Boondock Saints? Maybe I should see it. Promises promises.
I love it. I will send you yhe clip regardless. I don't think it will wreck anything unless you watch it to death.
Seriously, you like that movie? I had no idea.
I thought you were serious for a moment there. I'm slipping.
I was kidding, but it was fun to mess with you. I think there's at least one mention a day of the Boondock Saints.
You read the words? I thought you were just here for the photos. I'm going to have to stop talking trash about you.
I do read the words. I don't always click the Gutter MunkEE links though.
Don't click that last one. It's disturbing. Come to think of it, maybe he invented the Strider. O_o
I bet he did like it.
why why why why do I ever click those Gutter Munkee links? why why why?
Because you are weak-minded. ^-^
Didja watch the clip? Huh? Huh?
the pictures are so sweet...thanks for sharing! beautiful slave labor you have over at your place! And the quilts...cute. never heard of them. how big are they? they are whimsical fun.
my word verification is "hiffy"
You can just call me hiffy now!
why don't you and egan get a room? That's the longest comment posting I've read between two people EVAR.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.
I miss that so much.
Man, you have a ton of leaves. I'm glad I don't have to do all that :-)
Welcome Cindra! (or Hiffy) :) And thank you.
The little blanket is only maybe 10" X 10". It's just for playing with, not actually functional.
Poly - but then we couldn't make it a 3some. Aren't you playing, too?
TG - Heh. :) Remember, remember. . .
HAD a ton of leaves. :-D OK, well, there are still a bunch out there, but not NEARLY as many now. It's good to have slave labour.
One more comment - just ONE MORE! Who wants to be the magical 42?
I will be 42 dammit. It only makes sense that I grab number four two. Which video clip am I supposed to watch? Look Cindra followed me over here, yeah!
Woo hoo! I am FEELING the love!! ^_^
In your gmail. Too late eh?
OK, click here.
Hey you, Fishy looks a lot like my nephew. It's actually freaking me out a bit. I will take a peek at the video later tonight. After I get my 30 minutes of exercise in for the day.
That's wild about Fishy and your nephew!
The vid is very short and should be lovely post-workout entertainment. Don't play it within range of your nephew's tender ears. ;)
I'm at an all-time comment high. I don't think I will acknowledge the fact that about half of them are my own. . .
It shouldn't matter who makes the comments. It's all good no matter what. Yes, the two look very similar, especially with Fishy's new doo. I will make sure to play it outside of earshot from the little one.
#47, we're in record territory. Black Hatter would be proud.
Woo hoo! Every reply is a new milsetone!
I have a cunning plan. . .
These photographs are beautiful, C.
This post deserves 50 comments at least...
Why thank you, Winters. :) And thank you for giving me 50. Wah hoooo! All time record!! *does a little dance*
Did you post the rest of the pants story? I have to run away to class and sparring, so I'll check when I get home. That gives you nearly 3 hours to get your act together if you haven't already. ;)
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