. . . and I want it painted black.*
Actually, I didn't know that this "magnetic paint" was going to be black. It's intended to be used as a primer and then covered. I just wanted to be able to use the magnetic poetry tiles on the wall with the kids.
The label says that this is "magnetic latex paint." I don't know what your definition of "magnetic" is, but mine runs something along the lines of "a substance that attracts ferrous metals." This paint, as I suspected, is not magnetic at all. It's simply latex paint with a ton of iron filings suspended (when you stir it long and hard enough) in it. So, yeah, I should have figured it was going to be black. And now I know why the guy at Lowe's said that a lot of people like to cover it with chalkboard paint (which, I hope, really does give a surface you can write on with chalk, and not just a chalk surface.) You couldn't actually cover this with anything else. Unless you used about 34 coats. And then it wouldn't be "magnetic" anymore.
So far I have, I think, four coats on the wall, and it will hold our bigger magnet words. It holds the little magnetic poetry words as well, but their attraction to my finger is still stronger than their attraction to the wall. I figure it's going to take two or three more coats, by which time that section of the wall is just going to be so heavy that it rips the underlying paint right off and falls to the floor.
This has been an interesting project, but I think that knowing what I know now (unless this stuff gets a lot better after a few more coats) I'd have been better off just nailing a piece of galvanized steel up there. :-P
I guess my wall can rust now, too. Here in Michigan all the outer walls rust anyway, due to the high content of iron in our water. Too bad I didn't think of just spraying water on this wall. I could have saved myself a lot of time and money.
*I'm not actually a Stones fan at all. I've never even heard that song. Weird things just tend to lodge themselves in my brain. Usually useless things. OK, time to take my pants off and get back to the painting again.
Sadly, the fear of your experience is why I've never strayed too far into the exciting world of home improvement...
A magnetic wall is a great idea though! My twins would love it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Ah, but can it hold a cow magnet?? I mean, what fun is any surface that can't hold a cow magnet??
Come to think of it, I haven't seen one of those in AGES...
Michael - Hello and welcome! :) I always approach these things with a certain amount of trepidation, masked by overenthusiasm (if that's a word.)
I think we're going to have fun with it if it works. I know people who have done it, and they claim this stuff is the bee's knees.
Violet - I doubt it. Not yet anyway, since those things are so bloody heavy.
We actually bought some cow magnets a few years ago to replace the ones that Tiny gave us. (any idea what happened to those?? Actually I think the replacements have been lost, too.) You'd be surprised at how few people actually know what a cow magnet is. And at how many fewer will actually believe you when you explain it to them. Or maybe you wouldn't.
Hmm. Now I need to go to Nasco. . . ^_^ DO you ever get over there? There's one in Ft. Atkinson, you know. The girls would love it.
I love Nasco.
I love The Rolling Stones. Paint it Black is a great song. That said, I miss you.
Ahhhh...cow magnets...and the memories come a-rushin' back. And it makes me miss our cows.
I have honestly never heard of magnetic paint. I think that is probably because if it involves a large can of paint and a wall, I freak out. I hate painting walls. Probably because I always get stuck taking care of the trim and NEVER get to use the roller and I don't get to make fun designs. Humphf.
Good luck with the cell phone reception in that room.
Egan - Yes you do. :) But I don't. Though maybe I would like Paint it Black if I heard it. Who knows? Where ARE you?
Armanda - I KNEW you would know. I KNEW IT!!!!! **jumps up and down like a complete dork** ^_^
I always have to do the "cutting in" too. In fact, in every husband/wife painting team I know, I believe it's the same way. :-P I did get to use the roller a bit in our bedroom AFTER the cutting in was done. Hooray!
Diesel - Muahahaha!!! You made me kaugh and then run to relay your comment to MuNKi. And then I nearly died navigating the obstacle course back into the office.
Yes, I think overenthusiasm is a word. At least I hope it is, because I have now added it to my vocabulary. I get overnethusiastic about that type of thing.
Yeah, it sounds like a real word...
Maybe I can put "overenthusiasm" on one of our blank poetry magnets. ^_^
Two more coats and you'll never get your keys off the bloody thing.
I'm hiding from you since you don't like The Stones.
What you need is a deflocculant.
What you need are sharks. With lazerrrrrs on their heads.
What you need is a joke:
"Two poles walk in opposite to a bar. First pole says to the opposite, 'Hey, I find you repulsive.'"
What you need are overenthusiastically attached cow magnets with paint on them that is black.
Did you hear about the lady who used magnetic nail polish and then attended an iron man competition? Yeah. All the contestants found her very attractive.
Okay. I'm done.
TG - LOL! That would be a great place to "stick" the kids when I needed them to chill out. ^_^
Egan - crap. Well you don't like Sting, so I'm hiding from you.
Gawpo - like, OMG! What a great word. Thank you. ^_^
Gawpo - Yeah, Baby!! Grrrr! Sea Bass?? Are they at least ill-tempered?
Gawpo - You're right! I needed a joke. Muahahahaha!! Guess what we're watching right now? Guess! Guess!! The POLAR express. Hahahaha! I shit you not!
Gawpo - oooooh! Do you know what a cow magnet does?
How about a cow magnate?
Gawpo - Did that make her nails as strong as iron? If a chef participates in an Iron Man, does that make him an Iron Chef?
Gawpo - Nooooooooooooooooooooo! More?
Holy Gawpo, Candace! Wowza.
I'm a blog making maniac...look what I made yesterday:
new blog
I bet Gawpo knows what a cow magnet is like he knows what a snapper is.
He really isn't around enough anymore for me to harass and it makes me kinda sad.
Whoa!! Cool new blog!! Delicious. :)
I know. Maybe if we tease him enough, we can flush him out. ^_^
I am grateful that you did this experiment before I did! Thanks. Now I won't.
And hon, are you going to post pictures of that pantless painting you are doing? C'mon. What's that about?
Egan can have most of the Stones' stuff.
Yes! My father-M.G.,S. used to vend cow magnates in his Drunk Store out in Hilmar. They made the pieces of barbed wire stick to the magnet in the cow's stomach so that the pieces of wire would not travel further down that alimentary canal and do damage to the beast. I had magnets that were actually recovered from those big sacs of tripe. And they were always black on the ends, right?
And then with our tripe, we would bake some snapper.
I love Sting.
I love snappers, and red snapper.
AND I love Sting.
I hate tripe though, I don't even like the concept or the word.
I love to paint and Mr. Logo and I would be the exception to that cutting in rule. I do the centers and he does the edges.
I will refrain from ever doing THAT paint though.
I will consider this a PSA
sounds cool to me!
I just found out that dry erase markers can be used on mirrors. Like bathroom mirrors! and WIPED CLEAN! The things LOVE IT
Cindra - yeah, just nail some sheet metal up there. You and Tom can paint it however you like and anything will stick to it. Unlike this stuff.
As for the pantsless painting, well, I have a knack for splattering paint everywhere. By everywhere, I mean "all over my pants," so I take them off. That would be my American pants; not my English Pants. Because I don't really care if I get paint on those. Much.
I was a little concerened about getting a package dude at that door whilst painting, because I was painting with the door open, but we rarely get packages, so I figured I'd take the risk.
There is probably a Stones song somewhere that I'd like. I just don't think I've met it yet. Then again, maybe there's not. ^_^
Gawpo - Damn! Look at you! Impressive! Now go see how many people will believe you about that at work. ^_^
Gawpo - please tell me you did not eat the tripe. Snapper! HaHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA! On the half shell? ^_^
Gawpo - OMG. I must kiss you now. ^_^
Logo - The Prawn once bit open a turtle egg. It was all I could do to refrain from washing her mouth out with soap. ^_^ Plah, plah, plah, ptooey!!
Tripe is quite possibly one of the most unappealing foods I can think of right now. That and bug on a stick.
You love Sting, too? I must kiss you as well! In a very Euro, both cheeks, non-lesbian sort of way. ^_^
I can totally see Mr. Logo doing the cutting in, because he is Mr. Proper. Actually MuNKi is much more Mr. Proper than I am (esp the Mr. part) so I'm not sure why I get stuck with that part. :-P
~d - It's a cool concept. Probably cooler in theory than in practice, but after another coat, it's holding our poetry quite well, so YAY!
Seriously, dry erase markers?? Cool! Too bad those always disappear about 3 minutes after opening the package. I'll have to go to Sam's. ^_^
See, putting overenthusiasm on one of the magnets is that great next level of thinking I don't posses. I'd be too busy spelling things that children shouldn't see or leaving cryptic messages. I may have to put some metal us in my office so I can start doing this...
How fun! In our old house I painted a chalkboard wall. I was disappointed that when they colored it left chalk dust all over our floor. It did not stop me from creaiting another one in the basement at this house though because it was so much fun. Magnets would be even more fun, I think!
Michael - Well, I already have a set of magnets the kids aren't allowed to see. ^_^ We keep them on a cookie sheet in the bedroom closet.
Yeah, you need metal in your office! May I suggest a very large jelly roll pan? It would make a great shield when people are shooting darts at you. ^_^
Tori - Prawn and I just put our words up. Wheeee! I'm liking this. :)
I may do that chalkboard thing elsewhere. I don't think there's going to be any room for drawings with all our words magnets.
Why don't people like The Stones? They are damn talented.
That's as may be, but they're damn talented at music I don't particulary (or at all) enjoy. *shrug* Why don't you like The Sting? (Rhetorical question. Don't answer. ^_^)
I can't freakin' believe how many comments this stupid post got. Not that I'm complaining. WIthTKD closed until Tuesday, I'm actually starved for adult conversation.
I am now adding Jelly Roll pans to my shopping list. Uh, what the heck are jelly roll pans???
Ack! I remember how the Home Depot guy told us to use this dark gray primer when we were painting our dining room red. He said it helps and it would make us use less coats.
Well, the gray kept showing through and it took so many coats to cover it. Total pain in the ass!
I never heard of magnetic paint before...cool concept if it had worked the way you had hoped.
Thanks for your kind words to me regarding Copper, btw. It meant a lot to me! ((((HUGS))))
Michael - Jelly Roll pans are, uh, big-ass cookie trays with a lip. I think that's the official definition anyway. I also think they tend to be rather stout.
Dawn - We had to use dark primer in our (wine-coloured) bedroom and it really did help in our case. But I can see where it would definitely be hard to cover if the paint wasn't very dark! Our particular paint needed 3 coats to reach the right hue anyway.
I've been playing with words on the wall, so I'm not too bummed about this paint. It was just more work/time than it was probably worth, considering a hunk o metal would have been just as good (OK better.)
Still so sorry about Copper. It's so hard to lose a pet. They really are members of the family. :-(
Interesting to know.
Sorry my pic is gone. Not sure what happened to it. . .
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