The test lasted 7 hours and most of that was kicking. At the end, we sparred and finally broke our boards. There are now 4 of these at my house. I have to come up with a new life goal to replace the one I knocked off my list today. ^_^ Oh, and I lost 4 pounds during the test.

Congratulations! I think I know how you feel... when I got my Culinary diploma, it was 10 years of hard work finally paying off.
If I were you, I would never take that black belt off. Although, it would probably bulge beneath the two aprons I have to wear at work.
Yippeee! I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment! I can barely lift my leg at the height of my waist without taking out my back! You rock!
I'm so happy for you!!! That is so incredibly amazing, Candace! 7 hours?!? Yes, you totally deserve that thing.
Congrats again! You are the bomb, yo!
I honestly couldn't be prouder of you Candace. That's a tremendous accomplishment. Sure it's no Ironman, but damn does it ever require a lot of training. Color me very very impressed and a tiny bit scared. Kudos to you!
Congrats on your black belt! :)
You rock the known world and I am going to reword my dustcover write up on you to include the words black belt
and you need to change your name over there again in your
About Me
Candace the Black Belt Writer
Excellent! I am so proud of you! What an amazing accomplishment!
I challenge you to a duel.
simply brilliant. Well done!
I'm back! I'm just so incredibly happy for you and want to see your belt again!
I might have to mock this photo, stay tuned.
Candace The (Black Belt) Writer!!!
7 hours??!! -that puts the 'gruel' in grueling. Wow that is so awesome that you made it! Congrats, Candace the Black Belt Writer.
time to update your avatar?
Jaichan - Thank you! :) Wow, 10 YEARS! Yes, I think you know how I feel. I originally started when I was 15ish and then had to quit due to expense, so this has been a long time coming. Whew!
Sparrow - Thanks! :) How's that knitting project coming?
Airam - Thank you. :) This has definitely made me a more flexible person. ^_^
Amanda - Thanks! :) Yeah 7 hours. I was talking to the Master about it today and neither one of is us sure how it got to be quite so long. He didn't ask a ton of Qs, we only did 4 forms, I think - most of it was kicking, and even so we didn't do all the combos we *could* have done, though we did a damn lot of them, LOL!
Egan - thank you. I was thinking, as it ended, about how much longer an Ironman is, and being incredibly grateful that I am not attempting to be an Ironwoman. ^_^
Haddock - Thank you! :)
Logo - Haha!! Thanks so much! ^_^ That makes my day. :)
Tori - thanks! Though I don't think I can hold a candle to you endurance-wise. :)
Egan - with, like, cups of wine poisoned with Iocaine? ^_^
TG - Thank you. ^_^
Amanda - Thanks!! I still can't quite believe it. :)
Egan - Mock me at your own peril. I have spent years building up a to;erance to Iocaine poison. . . ^_^
Jali - Thanks! ^_^ I do love the sound of that!
Claire -That made me laugh, which made my stomach muscles hurt. ^_^ Thank you. ^_^
TG - I was thinking the same thing. :)
I tried to post this earlier, but the connection in my hotel was horrid.
Anyway, congrats!
I fart in your general direction.
Delton - Thanks! :)
Egan - um, thank you, too? ^_^ Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Tshsmom - Thank you! :)
Thank you!! :)
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