Two bees

not two bees

Wheeze the juice, bud-DY! (LMK if you catch THAT obscure reference ^_^ )

Yeah, I like bees

and attempting to freeze them mid-flight.

going to get Mollusc's ears pierced -- a little nervous

a little jealous :)

a little more nervous

"One. . . Two. . . FIVE!"

Happy :)

more not Susans

a random sticky note I found that I suspect was written by The Prawn, given the subject matter

I thought that MuNKi was insufficiently Star Wars Geeky until he surprised us with this. OK, he's still not all that Star Wars Geeky, but he sure knows how to make those of us who ARE very, very happy! ^_^

I found this particularly amusing, given one of the suggestions for Diesel's caption contest this week. ^_^

Utah is still morphing.

I used a random stripping technique my friend's mom showed us for this one.

I love the Autumn leaves fabric in the borders on this one. I keep finding myself drawn to fabrics by a couple of designers, even when I have no clue who did them.

Seeing a theme in fabrics here?

one of my faves
I have some four patch and nine patch blocks, too, but all those pics had some digital funkitivity going on.
And finally, the first book I chose at the library book sale yesterday. I cannot freaking believe they had this, or that it was even made. Some of you may remember my discussion of how the kids like to watch this movie when MuNKi is out of town -- primarily (I suspect) because our tradition is to start it at midnight, and it's a three hour movie. ^_^ Perhaps we'll be uploading some more YouTubes soon. . .

I caught The Obscure Reference, but does it count for me?
Clarification regarding the sticky note: that was Kendra's work. I saw her do it. Busted.
We should photocopy that script and send it to Egan. :>
Aw bummer! I thought it was Prawnie.
Yes, 10 points to GRYFFINdor for catching the Obscure Reference. ^_^
I'd have thought it was Prawn too. Tee hee.
Hmmm, there's a book for that movie? Grow! Grow stick grow! That movie was just too cool.
Bees are cool, especially when they're mating.
R2D2 as a diaper genie, what a great idea. How are Mollusc's ears today?
Encino Man!!!
Candace! I love those squares!! What a great quilt! At the fair yesterday, we were looking at all of the quilts that were on display - they are all so cool! I love the colors in yours. So bright and happy. And Kitty-ish! Hello!
Congrats to Mollusc and her new ears!
Mollusc! You DID it!!!!
Egan - look closer! This is the SHOOTING SCRIPT, DUDE!!!! Muahahahahahha!!!
I hear bird have something to do with bees. Or something.
Egan - Her ears are great. She actually got them pierced 10 days ago and all is well. Hooray!
Is R2 not the coolest?
Amanda - 10 more points to Gryffindor! Treat yourself to some grindage! ^_^
Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun. I had all this Hello Kitty fabric and this is a nice way to make it last longer than a season. Kids grow too darned fast!
Mollusc says thank you. :)
Gawpo - Mollusc thanks you, too. So far all is healing very well. Hooray!
I thought maybe you would make some corny ear puns (muahahaha!!) Are you feeling ok?
That trash can is too cool for school. Ok no it's not. I want one for my classroom!
Isn't that AWESOME! Man, the kids would be sure to use that, huh?
pretty pictures! i like the stripping technique look a lot. and the fall leaves! i got fall on my mind these days.
Love the "poo" note. I love random stuff like that.
So they team up to do the piercing now? Man, I had to have it done twice--the first time, the pain is a surprise, so the second one is terrifying!
Cool, R2 really is a trash can!
Brookem - the strip stuff is pretty eas since it's so random. I think I'm going to do a few more like that. :)
Kitkat - It's always funny to try to figure out the method behind the madness when I find stuff like that.
Yeah, the teaming up is cool. I guess a lot of kids chicken out after #1. ^_^
Diesel - Who knew?!? Not me. Until we got one. ^_^
Candace, with that comment response you have pierced me to the heart! I would cry, but I'm too much a stud. Sorry I'm late on getting BACK to you. I'm usually very puncture-al. Tell Mollusc, please, that I do admire her use of her frontal LOBES in making the decision to go ahead with the procedure. Did you hear about the jewelaholic who walked into a bar and ordered a diamond necklace with an earring back? (two back jokes. you are so lucky!)
Yowza! You were really jumping through HOOPS to get all those in. ^_^
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