So after reading A Blonde Blogger's latest post in which she relates the story of being propostitioned to be on a Wife Swapping show, I have to ask how y'all would feel if faced with a similar decision. And for the men, just to put us all on the same footing, let's pretend you're being propositioned to be on a Husband Swapping show, so it's *you* who does the leaving of the comforts of home.
And could someone fill me in on how they do this? Are you in the same city? State? How far away do you have to go?
$20,000 is a ton of dough, but really I don't think I could leave my kids for 2 weeks.
An Indecent Proposal is actually slightly more attractive than the swapping thing. Not that that would necessarily work for me, either. . .
Thoughts? Opinions? Unrelated Chatter?
And now, Random Flowers:

I refuse to participate in this survey. You should have another drink since it's a Friday night.
Your fave has to be Milli, since you are obviously Vanilli. Pansy! I'll have another drink all right. Where's that 6' Vanilla I ordered?
NO! No swapping, icky boo bah
No indecent proposals either.
but I like the fleurs
Maybe someone will offer me $20,000 for my flower photos. Yeah, that's the ticket. . .
PS, they don't actually have sex with the swappees, do they? or is that all part of it, too? Urgh.
Go to bed people!
.... that or get instant messaging dammit. El scorcho!
I am in bed. And you're on Pacific time, so what are you whining about? Who needs IM. I like having lots of comments. Of course, "lots" is a relative term, Mr. 100s and 100s of comments.
El Scorcho! I like it.
Look at all those preety flowers! :3
Oh my gosh, Candace!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!! It's not THAT kind of swapping show!! ROFL!
I wouldn't have even considered it if sex were involved, or anything remotely close to it.
Actually, two moms trade lives and have to do all the things that the other mom does for the first three days, then she gets to make all the rules on the other three days.
Usually, they swap complete opposites, like a vegan ultra-liberal, with an ultra-conservative hunter's wife. Stuff like that.
So it's not as bad as it seems. I just wonder what category they'd put me in and how they'd portray me if I did it. "The airheaded blonde mom" or "the not-so-with-it bumbling fool" LOL We'd probably get a brunette mensa mom here to swap with me!
El Scorcho, you awake yet? Comments are a good thing, not that I try very hard to rack them up. Cut me some slack Jack.
20 thou a year can buy a lot of beer.
That burn in the last post is a scorcher. Yeeouch.
Sorry no comments lately. Work has been crazy and by the time I get home, I only have enough energy left to scowl.
Hi, Rehposolihp! :-)
OK, Blonde, whew! I thought it was more a trading lives sort of thing, but I wasn't 100 percent sure, LOL! Esp after Logo's comment. Since you're conservative, there is no doubt in my mind that they'd do their best to portray you as an airhead. (spoken as a fellow cons-type person) Ah, so they try to go for the shock value with opposite lives. Makes sense, ratings-wise, I guess. I would do my best to subvert them, LOL! Soon they'd be hsing, crunchy Republicans.
I was awake all day, Vanilla Boy. But I wasn't online. :-/ I LOOOOVE me some comments. No whacking on comments or numbers here! I just can't hope to compete.
Hey Jai! I totally understand. It looks like things've been crazy up your way. :-)
I keep threatening my guys about participating in that show. That way they'd find out how much I spoil them.
On one show, the wife did NOTHING but sleep and shop. The husband did all the cooking, cleaning, child care, etc. They put this woman to work on a dairy farm. LMAO!!
Holy moly. THAT would be a change.
Do you think they script it at least a little to make it more outrageous? Or maybe the families do before shooting - "OK, I think we should go for a big blowout fight sort of thing tomorrow about - I don't know, tomatoes?? - and then we could have this sweet making-up part. . ."
I don't like the contrived (and increasingly desperate) nature of reality TV shows and this one has no interest for me. With, or without the sex. I dunno, just doesn't seem like fun to be honest.
It's like cheating. Nobody has to come up with anything creative - just roll cameras and splotch it all together afterwards. Bleh.
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