something purple, July 2006
No, that is not the C word up there. But it's darned close, isn't it? Shall I leave my HNT for last? Probably.
OK, so what's new in the the delusional alternate reality that is Candy's World? Em, let's see. . .
Oh yes! I bothered Egan all day while he was "working." Actually, you could just go read my comments over there instead of me bothering to blog. Hmmm. . . He is the master of - uh - something, because for the longest time there, while I thought I was messing with him, he was actually messing with me. Much better than that Recruit movie of which I spake yesterday. I suspect that Egan is actually CIA. Sssshhhhh! If I'm right he'll have to kill me, so don't let on that you know.
I'm tightening up a picture book and the next step is to find a publisher off of which to boomerang it. :-)
Aw, hell. I have nothing to say. Here are pretty flowers, and then my HNT.

UGO (Unidentified Garden Object)

When will the blood begin to race, the sleeping bud burst into bloom?

Echinacea! (bless you)

I got an UGO in my pants seeing that last image you posted.
Why thank you.
GuTTer MunKi told me my UGO looked kinda phallic, but I bet yours looks even more so.
Oh, I have to turn off comment moderation for HNT? No wonder. . .
I suck at instructions.
Beautiful flowers AND HNT!!
ps. I have both dark pink and green stripey ones... aren't they comfy?? Unless you try to put them under tight jeans... then they are annoying.
awesome pics.. great clarity n cool colors too.. the last pic was quiet a contrast !
The unidentified garden penis is mildly disturbing but the purple things are really lovely.
Its so nice to know there are other people who classify flowers the same way I do (red, pink, yellow).
That tan line is crazy but I like the thong, wooo hooo!
Egan is a master messer,
gotta watch him!
Tracey, thank you, and yep, they rock! :-)
Thanks, Raghav. :-) Yes, it's nice to keep people on their toes, I think.
Logo, isn't that a weird flower thing? No clue what it is, though I suspect that MAYbe it came from a wild mix I planted in the area last year. You do flowers by colour too? Hooray! That makes me feel better. :-) I'm learning some, but very slowly.
Yeah, that tan is special, huh? LOL! The string thing is comfy, believe it or not!
I think it's your turn to mess with Egan today. :-)
The UGO is a Mexican Hat. Yes, that's the name.
Olé!! Thanks! :-)
Hahaha. Instead of taking the 'o' out of country like my uncles did... you're putting the 'h' in c***.
Nice pics.
Muahaha!!! It sounds like a slogan that failed: "We put the h in C***" LOL!
Unless I specifically plant it, with a name on the seed packet, I have NO CLUE what kind of flower it is.
At our house, flowers get named for their color, shape, and growing location. You know...that pink star thingie that grows by the shed.
I feel so much better! Of course, some of them, like the purple thing, I DID plant. But I forgot what it is. :-P
We have a triffid growing up outside the dining room window. It's in the general place where we plated something but it doesn't look a bit like the plant we thought we put there and have no clue whether it is friend or foe. What to do, what to do?
I would have had no idea what the flower was, but one of my sons had to collect 10 Texas wildflowers for a biology project. We spent weeks cruising the Texas back roads looking for flowers on the approved list. The Mexican Hat was one that we found.
Har, TG!! I have a similar dilemma, LOL! I figure one hard pull will take care of it, so I'm letting it go to see if it's somehting nice.
Sighs, we have a TX wildflower growing here? I bet it WAS in that wildflower mix we sprinkled around last year. I do love it when a project actually comes in useful! :-)
wow. sorry to not comment on the flowers, but i am about to go sign up for some TKD, just so i can look like that in a string-thingy!!! do classes come with that tan, too? ;-P
yeah, so I had to force myself to read first before rushing down to see your HNT--it took will power!
and wow
oh yeah, and I totoally got the Phantom reference! yay!
Rilah - I don't know what you're talking about girl. You're skinnier than me except for the wee parasite bump, which, obviously will come off all in one marathon workout. ;-) But thanks. :-)
Thanks, Paige. :-) Usually GuTter MuNKi (dh) is my blogographer for the hard to reach photos.
Slade - I bet there are still peeps who just scroll down, LOL! Thank you for reading. :-) And I think you're the only one who got the Phantom reference. My next HNT is me with GB. Come make it a 3-way! (HNT that is. . . I think. . .)
Hi! I am a textile artist and I sew every day. How did the blouse come out? It looked lovely.
You said you didnt know what size to make. Um, there are measurements on the back of the pattern envelope, and, remember, patterns run a lot smaller than store bought clothes so dont be shocked if your svelt size 8 body suddenly requires a 12!
HHNY Belated too!
Hardasabullet - doesn't it? Maybe it should be called the Mexican Dildo. . . And thank you. :-)
Barefoot - It hasn't exactly come out yet. :-P Fear factor + EDD (Easily Distracted Disorder ;-) ) = D'oh! I was eying up the pieces today and they were staring back menacingly. Not a good sign.
The measurements on the back were what were confusing me. Size 38 inch chest (too big for me) was size 28 1/2 inch waist (too small for me) so I panicked and measured the parts I wanted to fit most, LOL! If it's too small, I guess one of the girls will have to grow into it. I don't usually make Big 3 patts, as I understand that they mostly suck. And I haven't sewn much for myself. I've done Ottobre and Kwik Sew mostly. I love Ottobre! But this was cheap and looked neat and I have no idea if Ottobre has anything like it, sew ;-) I went for it. :-P I will likely live to regret my choice, but if so - hey, great blog fodder! ;-) This is why blogging is good. If nothing else, you always come away with a story, and the bigger the catasrophe, the better the story!
I hear and see everything. Great, another thong. Wicked!
Everything? Even the bits that don't show? Scary!
You bet I do. Hey, the flower pictures are stunning. Nice work.
Thanks! :-)
Do you have extensions?
Like, as in hair? It's called laziness. Too lazy/cheap to go get a haircut. I keep telling GuTTer MuNKi he should whack it off for me. Heh heh.
Nice hnt pic. woah!
Thanks, Mat! :-)
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
Well thanks very much! :-)
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