She decided to make up for lost time by posting another angle so that discerning viewers could try it at home if they so chose:

However, she also learned that waiting too long after a 2 hour workout before trying this sort of thing was a sure road to muscle cramps. She was forced to adopt a less than dignified position as she attempted to stretch out her abs. Not being one given to hubris, she thought she might get a laugh if she posted a pic of this as well.
Oops. A bit nipply out, isn't it? Thank you GuTTer MuNKi, Blogographer extraordinaire.
I never got to the rest of the extra stuff, did I? It was such a blast. We got to react to a guy (nonexistant for us) "throwing up" onstage. I was asked to do my bit again for a closer shot (yay! though it may well become one with the cutting room floor, I'm not holding my breath) but since I wasn't wearing my glasses, it took me a bit to figure out that I was the one being asked, LOL!
I was so impressed with how a "crowd" was fabricated out of, I dunno, 9-12 people. (I was there for 2 different nights of shooting.) We moved around to sit near different walls, changed things up a bit (hence my lack of glasses for a while there) and circulated behind main characters in order to give the illusion of a much larger number of people than was actually present. Again, I can't wait to see how this all comes out.
I met fascinating people, including a very dapper 71-year-old gentleman (I thought he was in his 50s) who had recently self-published a book called Dear Alfie. He had a "cast party" for the book release, and most of the people in the book (including Alfie, whom he hadn't seen in 60 years) were still alive and made it to the party. How cool is that? Chitchat was a bit surreal as we stood around pretending to register for various conferences, as it was a blend of real life and "movie" stuff. Someone might be telling how they "networked" or "advertised" or how they got to the "conference" and in the same breath launch into what they did IRL. I got so confused at one point that I actually forgot where I lived when someone asked me. (Though that could have a lot to do with having moved so much and being back in WI, feeling very much at home, while simultaneously realising I didn't live there. Or maybe it was just my blondeness coming out.) I also met a fight coordinater and wish I could have talked to him more. What an interesting job!
One lady - well, I'm not sure why she was in the film, because she was kinda unimpressed by the humour. She called it "Christopher Guest meets Adam Sandler" but apparently didn't mean the Adam Sandler part in an approving way. (She said she had told this to the Franks (the filmmakers) as well, so I'm comfortable mentioning that here.) Now, I happen to love Adam Sandler and promptly said so. (TG, I can see you rolling your eyes.) Her reply was "You and a bunch of teenage boys!" "Yeah, that's right!" I agreed enthusiastically, glad she was willing to recognise that he has quite a following, and only later fully allowing myself to realise that this was meant as a slam. MeOW! LOL! Does it surprise you that she's a schoolteacher? OOh. MeOW. I got my own catty bit in there, didn't I? ;-)
I really had such a great time, and if I end up cut out altogether, I'll certainly understand. One has to make the best film one can, you know. But of course I had a few of those classic "extra" moments where you go, "Hey! I'm interacting with a main character! Cool! That might stay!" All in all, I have to say that if you get a chance to be an extra, go for it. And then tell me all about it.
Sounds like a lot of fun. I tried out for a Bad News Bears movie when I was about 7 or 8, but didn't land a roll. They made me say some funny and very long tongue twister and I couldn't stop laughing.
Nice weather report. ;)
Glad you had such a good time. I love Adam too, well, obviously. I think it's safe to say I love him more; the most. But am also a Christopher Guest fan, and am flummoxed that anyone could mean anything other than a compliment when combining the two.
Jesus Candace, that nipple is just staring me in the face. I couldn't focus on the rest of the post. Damn you!
Toby, that's funny! :-)
Hey, I could start my own daily weather report, LOL! It could be the next IN thing for bloggers to do.
Jay, I too would consider that high praise. Obviously the woman was one nut short of a bucket of bolts - or, er, whatever.
Egan, maybe it's just a stain on my t-shirt and you just *think* it's a nipple due to the power of suggestion.
"Use noise (or nipplage) to distract your opponent" (name that film - sans the added nipplage of course)
Airplane or Naked Gun 33 1/3? This post is too much for me.
Very nice fit body there Candace....and I love pretty much anything Adam Sandler does. Hope you make the cut.:D
Oh and the nipple shot......well my pic yesterday did not look as good as yours haha. Very lovely body again.
Cool! Then I can say 'Hey! I know her! She's supermonkey cool!'
And then I'd be cool. By proxy, of course, but cool nonetheless.
Egan - WRONG!! Try again. It's just as classy as either of those, though. My kinda humour.
Brad - why thank you very much. :-) My ego is purring, LOL!
Jai, "Supermonkey cool," ROTFLOL! I'm going to use that! You're already supermonkey cool. :-)
Princess Bride?
Cool! Sounds like a blast! (I like Adam Sandler too)
Sorry - took me a while to stop my eyes rolling at the mention of Adam Sandler....
Bambi meets Godzilla? :)
"Tits! Staring right up at ya!"
Name that movie Tall Chick.
Egan, nope, but that wasn't a bad guess. That's definitely a movie I love. :-) This one features Canadians. That oughta do it.
Ldbug - I'm glad to see that you, too, are a woman of impeccable taste. ^.^
TG, LOL! Someday you will come to appreciate the total crassness of in-your-face, unabashedly over-the-top American comedy. Maybe.
Toby, LOL! That sounds like a horror film.
Egan, oh dear. Can I cheat with Google? Or throw up another boobie pic to distract you from my failure to answer? I'm thinking it's not from Czech porn. . .
Kung Fu Hustle? So before I ask a trivia question, it would behoove me to know the answer. It features Canadians eh? Is it Teen Wolf? How about Strange Brew? Don't test my Canadian knowledge as it is vast.
Kung Fu Hustle had Canadians?!?!? I didn't make it past the first 4th or 5th of that one.
But DING DING DING DING DING!!! Strange Brew it is!!
I cheated. Scent of a Woman. I haven't seen that since it first came out in the theatres. Time to rent it! That was a good flick as I recall.
The power of the force has stopped you, you hosers!
Aaaaagggghh!! I have a fleshy-headed mutant in the Forbidden Zone.
(like, it's backdoor Friday, eh?)
Ah yes, that is the movie Candace. Scent of a Woman is a tremendous flick. Thanks for researching that for me. I couldn't think of it all night, all night long.
Oooh, Bet I can get it free at the library. :-)
I had something incredibly clever and witty to say, but I forgot it while I was reading all the comments.
But trust me, it was insightful and perceptive and all like that there.
Bimey. All those ways you can contort your body. And the nipples. I'm going for a lie down now.
Logo, I HATE it when that happens. :-P Sadly, it happens to me more often than not, I think.
Kay - Howdy stranger! I'm the boobie contortionist. No, wait. That's not right. In fact, that would be quite painful, come to think of it. But you must be a contortionist as well considering some of the things you've managed to pull off in small washrooms.
Brilliant, C.
I'm just back from a weekend away, and checking my favourite blog peoples' latest posts.
Couldn't have wished for a better post from you.
You will note that at no point in the writing of this message did I mention breasts or nipples. This is because I am a chivalrous English gentleman, and am above that sort of thing. :)
I made the faves cut? Woo hoo!!!!
*does an embarrassing little dance*
You are truly an English gentleman of the utmost chivalrousnessitudity! Or is it due to living in Paris, where I suppose that breastages and nippalean areas are such a common sight that perhaps they do not warrant mentioning? ;-)
I think Winters is poking fun at me. Winters, tu es trop gentil mon ami!
Mr Singe. I would never poke anything at you. That includes fun.
Because in some very strange way, I love you.
Candace, Mr Singe and I have a curious relationship. Tis quite the eniga...
PS Protuberances are indeed somewhat ten a penny in this neck of the woods...
PPS (Sometimes the nonsense I am capable of spouting surprises even me...)
Protuberances, LOL!
Watch out for the Monkey. He has been know to throw poo.
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