Any guesses?
Want a closer look? No? Okay then, here ya go:

Guesses? Yes? No?
Nope, it's not something out of Fear Factor. It's the lovely bag of 100+ cicada molts that my kids brought home from our friends' house today. ("Oh pleeeeeeeeeeease can we bring them home?" Sheesh! Anyone want 'em?)
They remind me of something another friend gave me the other day from the Korean grocery store:

In case you're thinking about trying these but are worried about the nutritional content:

Traditional food. It's too nice. Eh, Winters?
You're going to have to excuse my very disjointed format tonight. I'm watching the director's cut of Boondock Saints and listening to Troy Duffy's commentary. So in the interest of my getting to pay full attention to the masterpiece, here are my last random ramblings for the night.
This next is a pic of Prawn's scrapbooking masterpiece. She's a bold artiste who likes to fly in the face of traditional graphic design principals. Her spelling isn't spot on, but certainly not bad for age 4. Actually, she did another page that was well laid-out, too. I should take a pic of that one as well.

We picked rasperries this afternoon. The guy who owns the place was very nice and only charged us for 4 quarts instead of the 5 we'd picked because "I like to see 'em a little fuller than that." I told him the kids had eaten a bunch, too, but he only said "they better have!" and stuck to 4 quarts.
A small portion of the fruits of our labour:

This post is very yummy. I love all these things pictured here especially those bugs.
Quite the "traditional" banquet there, C.
I feel slightly strange...
Must be the red fruit...
Egan, would you like me to send you a crunchy bagful??
Winters, it has to be the red fruit. It stains the fingers and lips, you know. . .
Did y'all click the Fear Factor link? }:->
I clicked on the link now. You have a fear of clowns? I think they are perfectly well adjusted human beings.
It's more a loathing than a fear, even though I don't live in Las Vegas.
They probably think you're well-adjusted, too, Egs.
You are too funny Candace, too funny. I think you're a hoot.
Are we coming back 'round to hooters again?
Uh, I'll take the raspberries and uhhh, leave the silk pupas, but, hey thanks, uh, anyway, uh, gross, ughhhhh
Silk pupas, yum. I've always adored you Candace. It's not a new thing.
Ld, the raswpberries are very tasty. This morning, a little girl at TKD (the daughter of the friend who gave me the pupae in fact) held up one of the cicada molts and smelled it and asked me "Can you eat it?" LOL!
Egan - perhaps, if there is a Korean food store nearby, this could become your new prize fodder (in lieu of purple iPod socks/Speedo™s)
I know you only love me for my fabulous and eclectic array of pictures.
The raspberries look delicious but I doubt they compare to the silkworm pupa.....yummmmmieeeeeeeee haha
We used to collect the cicadas and have them attacking the lil green army men......ummm I type too much sometimes.
HAHA!! Poor army dudes, LOL! Those would be like giant Japanese monster film creatures. :-)
Your blog leaves me speechless. I have no words for my love for this blog, pictures or not.
I thought you were trying to convince me that stuff at the top was a bag of raspberries, I wasn't buying it.
I mean, I may not be great with plants but I can tell BUGS from plants for Pete's sake!
Egan you're too kind. Which frightens me. What are you planning?
Logo - oh eeeeew. They would need to pay US to cart off THOSE raspberries, LOL! *snort*
Hmm, raspberries. As to the tin'o'chrysalis's various entomology groups have been known to stir-fry larvae at gatherings. It hasn't happened for a while where I work but I do remember once back home where a bunch of bigwigs (not earwigs) came to visit and I sure as hell didn't touch the buffet as I'd seen the preparation. Some of the guests scarfed down their lunch with great gusto but I was pretty sure they'd become reacquainted with it equally fast if they'd known what they were eating. Ignorance can be bliss I guess.
Oh, blah!!!! Ptoooooey! Eck eck eck ! Plah! Blarg!
They didn't know?
Reminds me of my friend whose favourite dish in Korea turned out to be some sort of raw meat. Only much ickier.
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