Monday, July 10, 2006

Pussy-Free Post

GuTter MuNKi has been making cherry jelly lately. It's goooood! I'm going to attempt cherry jam, cuz I like meatier stuff. ;-)

I'm currently researching publishers for my latest kids' book. I really dislike this part of the game. Sigh. And lately more and more publishers will only take manuscripts from an agent. Crap. But I did find this awesomely depressing piece about the "Slush Pile." (The pile of hundreds - or thousands - of unsolicited manuscripts that cross an editor's desk each year.)
Enough depressing stuff and more - LOOK! A Chicken!!

Did you know that men have a G-spot? I only found this out a month or 2 ago. Silly me. I'll have to do more of this kind of research. Oh, and yes, it's true.

Lately the children have been making films involving rabies, vomiting and dramatic death scenes. OK, so they're not so much films as random scenes. Such talent. I weep with pride. Actually, I just laugh, cuz some of them are entertaining. :-)


Spider Girl said...

Although daunting, I appreciate the brutal honesty in the slush-pile article. At least you know the rejection is probably not personal.

And I've occasionally taped an envelope shut (not to an editor as of yet, but still the tip is a good one).

C said...

Yep, it's good to at least be able to avoid the mistakes, so that it's all down to whether they're having a good day or not. :-P

I think that like with many other fields, it still boils down to connections. Sad, really.

egan said...

You should write a children's book about the male g-spot.

Daddy, You Have a G-Spot Too

There's your title.

C said...

How inspiring! I bet there'd be a market. Actually, I'd have more of a chance with Both of My Daddies Have G-Spots

egan said...

Very true. I think you may need to talk different publishers than your currents ones. Bon courage!

C said...

I'll keep everyone updated. I usually go into it my search all enthusiastic and excited, and come away from it feeling like a brick wall has fallen on me. :-P

Zoeyjane said...

really? you didn't know about the male g-spot? that's how they get pigs to produce...uh...moisturizing components.

it's distrubing that i know that.

tshsmom said...

DARN! I thought I was gonna learn a new erotic spot to play with. I already found those two...years ago. :(

Trundling Grunt said...

Well, I always said that men were sensitive and now it's verified in print. I have a lovely vision of Judith Seifer doing her research with the coinage of the world on hand to describe it....
"Ok, it's the same size as a 19th century Ten-po Tsu-ho."
"Yes, but that's got a hole in the middle"
"So? Ok, how about a 20 pence piece."
"Not a 50?"

C said...

Rilah, I'm so ashamed of myself. Really. But at least I finally figured it out. And the fact that dh didn't know either comforts me a little.

Oh, and BTW, I don't think I ever want to buy moisturizer again. :-P

TSMom - Bummer, so sorry. I can't believe everyone but me knew about this and fialed to share. Reminds me of the "Friends" epi where the girls were talking about the "7 erotic zones" (I think) and Ross was stunned since he only knew about,like, 3.

TG - LOL! Your comments are like little mini blogposts in their own right. :-) I think the original article I read described it as being the size of a dime.

Malnurtured Snay said...

Dammit. I so wanted to see some vaginas.

C said...

Sorry, Snay. It's all Egan's fault. Maybe next time, though. . .

Anonymous said...

For some reason I thought that I couldn't post without a blogspot account, so I signed up for one, and now it appears I didn't need one after all. I'm sure you needed to know all that.
I was wondering if you were going to SCBWIs conference in L.A. next month. I've been following your journal for a short time (it's been quite fun).

C said...

Hi Jess! Welcome! :-)

I'm not going tomake it to that one, though there are some SCBWI things going on here in MI that I might screw up my courage and attend.

I've commented on your blog before (earthworms are not submersibles), but it came out anonymous since I didn't have an account there. Great to see you! :-)

egan said...

There are vaginas to be seen on this blog? You lie Candace.

C said...

Oh yes, look who's talking! Ha!

There were going ot be vaginas, but you don't like pussies, so out of respect for your wishes. . .*shrugs*