The Naughty Monkey is throwing poo at Amanda's blog. I don't think he liked this pic that much, but I do because you can see what a silly/fun guy he is. :)

Feigning Innocence and grooving with Hello Kitty. He'll probably tell you that's where one of the girls was crashing for the night, but that's really his blankie.

"What have I gotten myself into, and how can I get out?!?"

Yeah, not sure about my face/head there. Wonder where Monkey Boy's other hand is. . . I was probably reliving a Merlin moment or something.
I thought there were more pics, but I guess they're all in my head. Mollusc gets photo credits for the last 2.
Hey, nice pictures there. My hand isn't anywhere it shouldn't be. I'm not the one who was harrased about a "date". I thought your kids took pics when we first met, but I think Mollusc left the lens cap on. Remember in the parking lot? The kids are at the sleepover right? Aw, they were so fun.
When you say "shouldn't". . . LOL!
Mollusc says she took none then cuz it wouldn't focus (I think that's when I pointed out to her that the lens cap was on) and didn't take anymore til later.
OMG, I got grilled today when I went to teach sparring. ^_^ But the Master called you "Pee." As in "Where's Pee?" (he first heard of you as "peeing in pool guy" when his wife and I were chatting you up one day on Gchat shortly after your peeingin the pool post. (say that 5 times fast!) Not sure you needed to know that. But maybe it will make you laugh. I'll try to get him to make the switch to Monkey Boy, LOL!
Ja, my 4 plus one extra are here now. More crashing in the living room tonight. Well, except that I think there may be actual sleeping involved this time. It's prolly good for you and MuNKi that you aren't here since there's been a lot of girl talk, like how to discreetly itch your boobs in public. ^_^ Then again, maybe y'all could give us some tips. We haven't figured out a discreet undie picking method yet, other than to point and yell "What's that?!?!" Since we all are TKDers, this is an issue. (try doing 420 kicks without your undies riding up. I dare you)
OK, clearly I'm in TMI mode since, as mentioned, I'm now desperate for adult conversation. Oy!
Oh, we're going to watch "My Neighbor Totoro" which you seriously need to get for Anna. Like NOW before you forget. ^_^ Miyazaki's films can be surreal (I keep using that word today) but they're almost all just lovely. My faves are Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Nausicaa and Howl's Moving Castle, and then Castle in the Sky and Spirited Away. The only one I haven't really liked so far is Princess Mononoke. Lots of severed heads and arms in that one, which is very unusual for him.
I love it! You both have no idea how big the grin on my face is right now!! You are both just the cutest.
I knew Egan had a thing for Hello Kitty!! More of his cat loving proof!
I wish we could have beamed you in. :) But at least Egan threw poo at you. ^_^
OMG you're so right about Hello Kitty! I should have known that the whole cat-picking-on thing was just a case of protesting too much. >^_^<
Itching boobs in public discreetly? I've yet to figure that one out, too. If the girls came up with any ideas, please share. I just pretend I'm adjusting my bra. But even that's not cool.
Ha! That was the first technique discussed, actually. But our sleepover friend has a great technique - just fold your arms over your chest and use a hidden hand. Of course, that only really works for the sides unless you're a contortionist, and even then, it wouldn't be exactly discreet. I guess I still favour the "Look! A Yeti!" approach for that. ^_^
You had to itch your boobs Candace? I missed this?
shit, i posted my comment on these pics on the other post. ANYway!
love the pictures- you guys look like you had a blast! love the hello kitty blanket. i said it before and ill say it again.
Egan - see how discreet I was? No, actually, this is just the sort of topic that sometimes arises at slumber parties.
Brookem - It definitely a good time. ^_^
Slumber parties are the best. I had to dismiss myself to the bathroom a number of times to take care of business.
Is THAT what you were doing? O_O }:-)
Great pics!
E-FO and a laptop ... like 2 peas in a pod!
Um, I'm not admitting to anything here.
Yes, you are soooo spoiled. I love Monkey's face. And yours is splendid as well, Candacia. What a sweet looking couple of singles coupled you two make. Beautiful. Full of love.
Airam - :) It's amazing how well he adjusted to a completely foreign machine. He's like a computer savant. :)
Egan - I think that's best.
Gawpo - Thank you, oh lovliest of Gawpos. :)
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