Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ad astra

I'm not sure why I click on the Trebuchet font in my blog other than the fact that I'm amused by these ancient siege engines.

Tomorrow I attempt Colcannon for the Eve of Samhain. There's too much Irish in our blood for us to ignore this one. :o)

Tomorrow I'll also attempt to dye Sluggie's hair red with Kool-Aid. Should be interesting. She wants to be Ginny Weasley for Hallowe'en.

Enya has pinioned my arm to the couch. I guess she wants to do the typing. I keep waiting for her to come out with something brilliant. . .

What do you think: is this too much like Muzak (scroll down to listen), or is it lovely? I'm slightly afraid to admit to liking some of it. Does that make me old and haggardly? Concentrate on his photo if you must. ;o) Besides, if Sting sings on the album, it's can't be Muzak, can it?

I'm feeling a bit disjointed. Prolly cuz I have 4 writing projects fighting for the spotlight in my head. I guess it's time to give in to the voices. ;o)

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