Like the original Zaphod, our Zaphod has some extra parts:

It sure looked like Zaphod was a boy when we first got her, even though that would have been very rare (it would have to be an XXY male) and we had already decided that Zaphod was a great name for our next cat before we were asked if we wanted this kitten, so even though "he" is a girl, I think the kids are stuck on Zaphod as a name. I thought of "Polly" for our polydactyl kitty, but blah, so I suggested "Trillian" since she has "about a trillion toes" but looks like we're gonna stick with the big Z. Although if she trills a lot, maybe we're going to have to change that!
Zaphod went to the vet today and has no fleas, no mites, no Feline Leukemia - whew! What she DOES have are LICE!!! Argh! Fortunately, lice are species specific (HOORAY!!) so Zaphod gets a shot a week for the next four weeks and the other kitties do as well. That's actually not so bad as it could have been if it had been fleas. I hear those are really hard to get rid of.
We picked off one of the lice and mounted it and looked at it under our microscope (yeah - homeschoolers are a bit eccentric, I guess...) and can I just say EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to see what we saw under the scope, click here. I don't really recommend it, actually... Especially not if you're planning to eat any time soon.
There, now that you're all itchy (I WARNED you...) maybe you'd like to indulge in some compulsive handwashing. I know I would....
We went to a TKD tournament on Saturday. We only had Sluggie participate since no one else really was fired up to do so and it was too expensive for us all to compete anyway. She did forms and sparring (the only available options) and took gold in both! Yay! The next day we got a call about Zaphod - did we want a kitten that had been dumped at a friend's in-laws' house out in the boonies in Ohio? If so, they'd bring her back with them. And you know the rest of the story. :o)
We're painting our room - FINALLY. We've had the paint since May and are just now painting. We've got grey primer on everything and the ceiling needs one more coat of Antique Ruby and then we'll start slathering "Scarlet's Velvet" on all the walls. I think we're going to try to get one more coat on tonight before John heads off for Winona.
The girls both tested for red belt last month, so now they go to Red Belt Class on Fridays. Wow - I can't believe they're red belts! If all goes well, John and I will test for our reds next month. Fishy has 2 tips on his blue belt, so it won't be long until he tests for brown. Good grief! And the Prawn knows her form now, so maybe it won't be too long before she goes for yellow.
Money is always an issue isn't it? So I've been looking into The Grocery Game. The list for Kroger in MI just became available last month, so I'm going to sign up for the $1, 4 week trial. I'm just trying to decide if I should try to amass more coupons first. I also discovered that Target has the best prices on pasta and both Target and Walmart have much lower prices on dry goods and packaged things like flour, sugar, applesauce, granola bars, etc. So that's helping. I'd always assumed the stuff would be more expensive there since you were paying for convenience. Silly me! I've been saving grocery receipts for each month since July. September's envelope was by far the thinnest, but I have yet to break it all down and see how much was spent and where we spent the most.
I've been working on 8"X8" baby albums for the kids and that's been a lot of fun. It so non-intimidating working with such small pages, though sometimes I do wish I could cram in more pics.
Well, lots to do, and I have to go back to the vet with the other 3 kitties soon, so check in soon for your personal Zaphod update. :o)
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