l3ig @$$ Sp!d3r
**Now with shiny new translations!!**
Me: What's up with the title? I'm pretty sure we don't qualify as a vamp.
Also Me: Because we like puns. Duh!
M: Uh, oKAYyyy. . .
AM: So I was going to ask you a few questions.
M: *looks sideways at interviewer, which, all things considered is pretty much an impossible feat*
AM: Would you cut that out? You're making my eyes ache. Just go with the flow.
M: WHAT is all over the dining room floor?
AM: Where did THAT come from?!?
M: What? I'm going with the flow. And something has obviously flowed all over the dining room floor. What IS it? It's kind of. . .greasy. Eeyew!
AM: OK, back to the topic at hand.
M: Which is???
AM: Ah. . .
M: Ha! you don't even KNOW!
AM: Shut up!
M: YOU shut up!
AM: Why don't you make me?
M: Oh THAT'S mature.
AM: OK, shut up and answer the questions.
M: Shut up AND answer the questions?
AM: *glares*
M: *also glares*
AM: I was going to ask you what you thought of these pants
M: OMG where did you find those? You're my hero!!
AM: Yeah, well there's a ton of other great stuff, too.
M: Hey, "Dongle!" Doulas Adams coined that term!
AM: Well, he used it anyway. Cool site, huh?
M: Oooh! That is awesome! I like the Onna Otaku one!
AM: On the subject of she-geeks, you should probably check this out.
M: He's not a she-geek.
AM: No but you are, you dork! And you will probably love his radio show. And you should definitely check out his film.
M: Oh, ah.
AM: Ok, well I think that about wraps it up for now.
M: What about a picture for Egan?
AM: None of the pictures we took today has anything to do with any of this.
M: Does that matter?
AM: *shrugs*
M: Well, let's put some in, then.
AM: Whatever. I suppose you're going to blather on about them.
M: What do you mean, "blather?"
AM: Oh just post the stupid pixx0rs already. (pictures)
M: Oh you think you're all 1337 ("Leet" - click the link)
AM: *rolling eyes* You didn't even know what that meant until today. You're such a n00b. (newbie)
M: Haha! U r t3h suck !!!1!1!eleventyoneone!!!!
M: Haha You are the suck (you suck) !!!!!!! (newbies often typo !!!! as !!1111!!!!!!!, so now that is mocked by making it even more extreme, hence the "oneone" and "eleventy")
AM: Oh, yeah. You're real cool.
M: Haha! Listen, it's a ROTFLOLicopter! Are you on LOLLerskates??
Just ways of emphasizing the ROTFLOLiness of things.
AM: OMG you need to get a life.
M: Suxx0r!! Kekekeke. I_00x!7!! Mollusc told me about that one.
"Sucker! Hahahahaha" (from Korean gamers) "Lookit" (Click the link, it ROCKS!)
AM: I can't take this anymore. *leaves*
M: Ha! I am t3h pwnage !!!1!1!1oneone (Shift + 4)!!! *puts sp!d3r pix0r up top*
M: Ha I am the ownage (more mocking of common typos for emphasis. As in, "I totally owned your ass on that one!") Shift + 4 is yet another level of mockery of !!11!!!! because in one country you have to push shift and 4 to get an exclamation point. "puts spider picture up top"
!7 wz, like, t0ta77y ra!n!ng wh!73 th3 sun wz sh!n!ng !!11!!1
It was, like, totally raining while the sun was shining!!!!!! (rain was descending from the sunny heavens)
"ol0n't 4get m3 wh3n !'m g0n3, my h3art wud br8k. ! h4v3 luvol u 4 s0 l0ng. . ."
"don't forget me when I'm gone, my heart would break! I have loved you for so long. . ."
Get it? Get it? Huh? Huh? OK, judging by Gutter MuNKi's reaction, if you're old enough to remember this song, you're prolly too old to bother deciphering the leet, so here's the song. (You have to click "play sample" to hear it. ) Plus, I guess not a lot of peeps know what kind of flower that is, but I'll totally give you massive points if you get it ALL figured out, LOL!
! 4m n0t g0!ng 2 m4k3 4ny p0l!t!c4l c0mm3nts 0n t#!s 1 - jvs7 Nj0i t3h pixx0r!!
I am not going to make any political comment on this one, just enjoy the picture (of bleeding hearts)
0M6!1!!1 T3h 2th Fa!ry is t3h Suck!! Sh3 t0ta11y 4g0t t0 t4k3 M011us('s 2th l4st n!6ht!!
OMG The tooth Fairy is the suck! (is a complete wanker) She totally forgot to take Mollusc's tooth last night!!