The Prawn woke up at 5 something from nightmares. She was all tossy and turny-like, so I took her out to the living room to watch Bob the Blessed Builder (may his name be forever praised) DVDs and take her mind off her troubles. We watched a lot of Bob. And I blogsurfed. It's kinda nice having some one-on-one snuggle time in the wee hours, so I never mind when this happens. If it happened more often, maybe I would, LOL!
The Prawn's nightmares have a recurring theme of crabs, or little spidery things, or even tiny little hands. Maybe they were ticks. She-Ra, it's all Fred's fault, dammit!! Anyway. We watched American Bob and then we watched British Bob. It pisses me off that we're considered too stupid to be able to handle British Bob - oh yeah, and Muck is a BOY in British Bob. Why did they make him a girl for American Bob? PCness, no doubt. It's a little confusing to the wee kiddies when the book says HE and the show says SHE. Freaking Transvestite Muck. I will admit that my Limey Bob is a bootleg, but how else is a girl supposed to get a British boy to come over to her crib if she doesn't smuggle him into the country? I guess that's just my own experience. Anyway, he just happens to be Limey Bob because that's the alternate lang track for Hanguk Bob (Korean Bob.) The nice thing about Limey Bob (aside from his hot accent - yes I KNOW he's synthetic, but aren't most toys?!?! ) is that the hedgehogs are actually CALLED hedgehogs instead of porcupines (which they freaking AREN'T.) And then we moved on to Korean Bob.
Uh, I got sidetracked talking about a children's show. :-/ Sometimes silly things annoy me.*sheepish grin*
Speaking of show. On to EVERYONE"S favourite topic: Star Wars spoofs.
Hee hee! :-) Very irreverent, yet again. Pretty wild animation.
Whilst I was shampooing the rest of the living room, machine roaring away, I looked up and saw this:
Could it be??

And she stayed like that for about 3 hours!
She missed lunch, which involved my favourite Penzey's spice: (if cocoa doesn't count)
There are a lot of places I could go with this. I'm going to let y'all do it for a refreshing change. Besides, why should I have all the fun? :-D
If you don't want to get raunchy with Greeks bearing spices (or spicy Greeks), you can Caption This!
Here's a pic of the Crème de Menthe layers cake thinggy before the chocolate layer goes on. There will be a side view with layers later. Ah, the sacrifices I make for my illustrious readers. :-) I realise this is a useless picture. But maybe posting it will prompt me to remember to post the finished product. . .
But for now, Code Monkey get up, go bathtub. Code Monkey play wild jungle monkey. Play Fibonacci Fling! Code Monkey like that. (Code Monkey too lazy post link for this Monkey madness. Monkey post tomorrow.)
Go to sleeeeep little Code Monkeys!!
It's funny, in University, I was known as Greek Spice. Never give up on the good times Candace. Never.
That Star Wars thing was funny. I don't know if you know. I like Star Wars. Sometimes.
As a kid, I always had a reoccuring nightmare of not being able to play piano. That is, having a limited finger span and not being able to reach certain piano keys. It was weird. I don't know why I'm writing this here. But it just sparked that memory reading this post....nightmares suck!
LOL!! That's great! I was actually thinking of you (in a totally non-scary way of course) when I took that picture. But I will still refrain from lewd commenting. At least for now. :-D
Wow - you like Star Wars (sometimes) too? Cool! ;-) Can you believe there are a few people in the world of our age that have NEVER SEEN STAR WARS?!?!?! And I don't mean 3rd world countries, either!
Can you play the piano? Oooh la la!! So was the nightmare based on fact? I never could make some of those finger spreads and still can't. Some of those guys writing the music must have had HUGE hands. I haven't had nightmares about it though. Yet. My nightmares usually involve lots and LOTS of poisonous snakes (I'm fine with non-poisonous snakes, but have no desire to die from a venomous bite!) or bad guys chasing me and a gun that will only lob a bullet gently up into the air so I have to try to get it to arc the right way to fall on the Bad Guys. Which, of course, is pointless anyway. I'm sure there's a deeper meaning to that somewhere, LOL! Once, though, I was defending one of my kids in the dream, and the gun worked just fine. BLAMMO! No more Bad Guy. Whew!
Oh wait - I'm wrong. I just remembered that I KICKED him in the face, LOL! But it still worked. Usually I'm in some kind of molasses-mired state and can't kick or punch or anything.
I think I had a working gun one time, though. What does it all mean? Good thing Freud can't read my blog. Well, if he can, at least he can't comment.
Your Bob-inspired diatribe has made my day. I thank you.
caption: "always remember to eat wagon wheels one spoke at a time."
caption: "please refrain from punching people with your prosthetic limb"
are all 4 of those cuties yours??? mr. slade and I want 4 kids--but I wonder if the number will quickly decrease after the first?? hmmm
Jay - I'm not sure what came over me. I'm glad I could brighten your day my bitterness. ;-)
Niel - you are a strange man, LOL! But I like it. :-) I still like your glistening Springtime toothbrush.
E - OMG - it does look like a prosthetic limb. And the guy looks kinda like Pac Man the Limbless Wonder!
Slade - Yes, as far as I know they are all mine. ;-) We used to want 3, but then we had one and it was so much fun, we thought, why stop at 3? No, seriously. Plus with an odd number things can get uneven. (haha!) 4 is just right for us. Unless we end up adopting a bunch more or something. (After 4, I'm done with the whole pg thing) Adding #s 3 and 4 was a cinch, so don't let adding #s 1 and 2 shake you up, LOL!
"Warning: When the champagne has a visible erection, be careful when it uh, 'finishes', because the cork will actually shoot your nose off of your face. Fortunately, however, your ascott will be spared."
As far as Greek Seasoning - let's just say it would be a colossal waste of a prime asset if you weren't into Greek themed activity :-)
"no wobbly bowling pin pointing"
LD - See, that's an important thing to know before attempting to open champagne! And some people think these warnings are silly.
Oh, I like how you worked that in there. I just caught it. At least you dinna say it would be a prime waste of a colossal one. Cuz that would have landed you in the doghouse for sure. ;-)
Toby, LOL! I wonder why it's bent like that? Started drawing it and then just changed the end to make it point at his face? (to lazy to redraw?)
I'm not allowed to get raunchy?
Oh well then.
No! You're totally allowed! Go for it, LOL!
Penzey Spices eh? You are from the midwest aren't you?
Yah hey! Mmmmm Penzeys!!! And now we have one in MI, too. Hooorrrrrraaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!! :-) All we're missing now is that great little Lao restaurant. And people who don't throw trash out of their cars. :-P
Do you have litterbugs in Michigan? Not much in this world bugs me more than littering.
Sometimes I think littering is a requirement. You know those signs that say $100 for littering? I'm pretty sure now that it meant MI will give you $100 if you litter. We also have signs offering something like $7,500 for hitting construction workers, but those suckers must be retty fast, cuz I haven't seen any down yut.
What happened to my jeyboarf? Cuz I never mkae typo!S
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