Credit goes to Mollusc who first invented this joke with blue math rods.
I'm really enjoying this song since first hearing it yesterday. The refrain never fails to crack me up. I'm also LOVING Johnathan Coulton's zombie song "Re Your Brains". Great lyrics. Send it to any Office Zombies you happen to know. :-) The Play button on that lyrics page seems to be having probs, but you can go here and scroll down to Thing A Week III and find it there, too.
Two signs we enjoyed driving through Milford to go swimming today:
"Forget Waldo, Where's Hoffa?"
"Looking For Hoffa? Try the Yellow Pages Under Cement"
Is that 3.1415926535897932384626433832?
You betcha! :) Blueberry of course.
I love pie.
And that song is so 80's. Duran Duran to the max.
Fabulous new picture :-)
:) Me too!
That's what I thought, too, Toby. It's kind of a blast from the past without the embarrassing hair and makeup. ;-)
Ooh, thanks E! :-) Oddly enough, that's pretty much how I envisioned it when I thought it up. Rarely does a pic come out like I imagine it will. :-P
Love your blueberry pi, Mollusc!
Mollusc says "YAY!!" :-)
Jack, you watch a movie about Pi and you're worried about me ?!?!? LOL! So was it a good movie? Well I kind of had Pi on the brain since that idea was cooking, and then I was trying to dissect those names (cuz sometimes parents will use a combo of their own names, like Mike + Janet = Jike or Manet, LOL!)
and one was clearly the begininning of a mathematical formula, LOL!
Good God, my verification is fbbmchi : fibonacci anyone?
Math Jokes get her a High Five!
You'll be watching for Fibs next :)
Jack, that sounds like a cool movie! All except for the trepanning part, that is. (if that is, indeed what he was trying to do, or was there not even a pseudo-plausible reason for what he did?)
I'm going to go crazy until I figure out how they were named. Well, crazier.
Fal - thanks! I will take my High 5 to testing with me to keep me going! Did you figure out any of the fibs in my fib post?
cuisenaire rods?
Much like Cuisinaires. :-) We used to have those, but now we have Math-U-See rods.
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