How the Wench Got Her DONK Back

Some of y'all will remember that something was fishy with my Gmail and I was DONKless. Well, I fixed it! Yaaaaaaay! I'm DONKey once again!
Happiness!!!.. When I changed my Gmail to Korean and then back to English, I set it to English (UK) just for the halibut and it turns out that THAT was my problem. Apparently folks in the UK have no use for DONKiness, because English (UK) is DONKless. English (US) is quite DONKey thank you very much. Strangely, I can now see everyone's avatar except my own when mousing over Gmails. I used to be able to see my own as well. Go figure. During my quest to download appropriate Flash programs in order to get my DONK back, I also ended up with a highly annoying Yahoo toolbar perched under my regular bar. (This is what happens when I download in Korean, LOL!) How crappie. I carped about it to John, who fished around and promptly deleted the sucker... We went to Borders tonight. I love that plaice. We netted a nice bagful of books to the tuna $60some AFTER teacher discount. Yoy! But books are so yummy, how could we resist? We found some real treasure. :-) Plus I got the latest issue of BUST for research purposes (One-handed Read.)..Walleye think I'll finish this up an toddle off for the night. Going to go flounder around in the tub for a bit.
Honey, i'm not in the mood tonight. I got a really bad Haddock.
LOL! :-D Nice one!!
I may be hard of herring, but I think I detect the strains of Salmon Chanted Evening in the background.
(blatantly stolen from Kip Adotta's brilliant song. Anyone remember that one? )
I can't think of any fishyness, but I found a tat you might like. Click here.
Whoa! That IS a cool tat. I hope he never changes his mind about having it. He'll need a sturgeon to remove it!
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