Monday, February 27, 2006


We succesfully made our bath bombs and last night was the test. Yes! They fizzed and melted appropriately, made the water feel and smell nice, and no, no one was armed (honest typo! I meant Harmed) in the explosions. But mostly this is a test to see if I get another one of those cryptic blog hits from "unnkown country" "unknown ISP" - unknown everything except for IP addy - after blogging the word "bomb." Interesting. . .

**waves to Federal monitors and offers last yummy cookie, singing, รก la Larry, "I have a cookie! A yummy cookie! Just for you for when you come, only for you for when you come. . ."**

She-Ra, does that not bring back memories of suits in sunglasses riding on the G bus?? **coughFBIcough** Ah the paranoid delusions of young detective story-reading girls.:-D

**door smashes open and Candace gets spread-eagled at gunpoint against the wall**

And that was the last time she joked about anything like that. ;o)

**Candace quietly ponders whether she can get some sort of family discount at Mendota Mental Health Institute as the offspring of an ex-staff member**


tshsmom said...

Speaking of Larry, have you seen Lord of the Beans?

C said...

After a fashion. We bought it for a drive to visit family in WI (so the kids could watch on the portable DVD) and I listened to it. So many clever little things! Earacorn, Legolamb, Elves/Elvis, LOL! Then I lent it to one of the kids' friends who was begging to see it, so I haven't gotten to watch it yet myself. :oP I got a kick out of the other beans of power getting eaten. (Wasn't it by cowboys? LOL!)

tshsmom said...

Hubby got it for me for Christmas. Our baby is 13, so I guess we have to admit that we're not watching them "for the kids" anymore. ;)

C said...

LOL! There's plenty in those just for adults - Gilligan's Island parodies, etc. And who doesn't love The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything??! Dh was hooked from that moment on, LOL!

tshsmom said...

I got hooked on the Walls of Jericho one, with the peas throwing slushies.

C said...

Oh yes! And the cement mixers full of Slushie, LOL!!