OK, so he does need to learn to drive a stick (and, because I'm such a nice person, I still offer my services freely to both Messieurs Craig and Brosnan for lessons since I'm pretty proficient with a stick. Take that as you will.) But you have to admit the man is buff. He was buff in TRI and now he's in even better shape. Is that possible? And not that bulked-up, giganto, scary buff, but a nice slim, hard (wow do you have a gutterbrain for thinking that!) buff. And parkour? I think that would kick my ass. I hate to say it, but I'm a sprinter, not a distance runner, and I have a slightly challenged knee that would hate me for running up stairs. So I'm impressed. And a little jealous that he can do that. And blown away by that pic of Monsieur Foucan doing a handstand on a rooftop railing. *gasp*
So the guys, I'm sure, are sick of hearing me talk about DC. And after Fal's tux shot (oh, Fal's tux shot! deep, focusing breath), I should be content. Where was I? Eh, I forget. Oh yeah. Time to move on. :o)
I failed in girlieness at sparring, but that's OK cuz no one wants to spar like a girl, least of all me. I'm afraid this is not the girliest look in the world:

Yeah, that's my arm. There's no target there. I'm not sure what happened. And why there's a bruise-free line in the middle is beyond me. Unless I got kicked twice there. Who knows? We were sparring to 2 again. Always fun, but always more intense. I can't bend or flex the last 3 toes on my left foot anymore. But that's been coming on for a while now, LOL! Ah, who needs 'em anyway. Flippers are just as effective. ;o)
Tonight we worked on jump spinning inside kick. Watch the guy in the blue hogu - he does it near the end of the clip. Poor red, LOL!I can do it standing or sparring with no probs, but this was with a running approach and I have really got to work on that. :oP My jump spinning back kick is coming along pretty well. I tried it twice in sparring last night. I need a little more speed still.
OK, I've bored enough peeps with TKD talk. John and I are going to see Les Miserables in a couple of weeks. I have to find someone to watch the Heathens while we go. I'm excited! I think it's on Easter, and we were going to go visit family, but we'll prolly launch the next day. Besides, that way we don't kill FIL by overlapping him by too much. (He's only home once a month or so.) Or, more importantly, he doesn't kill any of us. :oP
I *think* I may have found a way to get my mom to come and visit us. (She loathes Chicago and won't drive through there, plus her leg pain makes it too hard to ride in the car for long.) The answer: the train!! It's not really that much $! I think it's $79 to come this way and $62 to go back (okaaaaaay. . .) She could walk or stand on the train, and not worry about Chicago, so I'm feeling optimistic. (mostly cuz I haven't approached her about it yet) As long as there are no "Snakes on the Train!" everything should be fine, right?
My friend made bibimbap (sans bap - noodles instead of rice) for us for lunch after swimming. Yummy! :o) I have leftovers in the fridge. Eat your heart out, She-Ra. If you would come visit instead of pleasuring the nuns, we would feed you well. Not to mention Mollusc's - oh, wait that's a secret, I forgot. You have to wait. Neener neener.:o) Do you still read my blog? Cuz if not, I'll tell everyone else. Muahahaha!
OMG, does this look like fun or what?
Annyong hee ka seyo. :)