Last night John got kicked *really* hard in the back at sparring. D'oh! (Not by me!) His ribs are SORE. Things are always a bit more brutal when we spar to 2 points. Everyone's a little edgier and kicks a little harder - myself included. It just does something to us, mentally. Strangely, no one adopted the "sunshine and rainbows" approach that I suggested, but I did get a good laugh from everyone ;o) I don't know why I'm always so nervous about sparring - well, yes, I do. It's fear of not doing my best - of having an "off" night. It's never fear of the other person, but of not living up to my own standards. I always have a blast once I get out there, but I'm always nervous right up until the "She jak!" (begin)
After swimming we all headed over here and made fresh rolls today. For ours we used Boston lettuce, rice noodles, grated carrot, pickled ginger, chives and cucumber. The dipping sauce was soy sauce and sesame oil. Usually there's peanut butter and ketchup in the sauce, too, but I didn't want to get the peanut butter out while my friend's son was there since he's allergic to it. They were YUMMY!!

My friend brought over cookies, and I had to confess to my giving-up of chocolate for Lent to explain why I was breaking out all my chips and handing them to Mollusc. I think I did get one by accident. D'oh! I'm reminded of Kitkat's lasagne incident. :oP She had also put dried cherries in them and they were REALLY good!
After supper tonight, Sluggie made this:

Can you tell what it is? It's an Oreo with NINE middles!!!! Woo hoo!! Truly a girl after my own heart. ;o)
Thanks to Faltenin, I've been playing with Cryptic Crosswords. That's what I needed, Fal; another time-stealer. :oP
I got my check for my naughty poem today. (yeehaw!!!!) It will be up on the site for the month of June. I asked that it be published under my penname, since I write for kids under my real name. I'll try to remember to post a link when it goes up.
Other Notes to Self:
Note to Self #1
Note to Self #2
Hi, Candace -- I followed you over here from Fal's blog. Cute and bright blog you have here -- just like you! lol ~Su
PS I like the oreo picture! Made me LOL! :^) ~Su again
Hi Su! Thanks! :o)
Now that I think about it, I wonder what she did with all the extra cookie-parts. . .
Much to work with in this post. First of all, thanks for stopping by my blog. I want to know everything about your swimming habits. I am a swim freak.
Mixing amonia and bleach is a very bad idea. I have done it numerous times when working in a bakery. I was a slow learner back then. Have a good weekend.
Hmmm. Naughty poems. A "toy" mentioned in the Note to Self.
Methinks there's a Dark Side of The Candy that needs to be let out more often...
Now that is an Oreo cookie!!
Oh, there is definitely a Wild Side, Fal. I dunno if it's necessarily a Dark Side. ;o)
Egan, I hate to disappoint you - I'm not a spectacular swimmer or anything. I take the kids once a week for recreation and in an attempt to get them all to become confident swimmers. So far so good, but if you're picturing Miss Speedo doing awesome laps or something, that picture's gonna have to go. More like Goggle Girl tries to see how many somersaults she can do in a row without drowning or amuses herself by giving "dolphin rides" to the Prawn (4.) I'll admit it. I play. I've never properly grown up. :o)
Maybe not knowing wuld have been better, LOL! ;o) I have to admit that Fal's Mystery technique is intriguing.
Hey, it's all good. You don't have to be an awesome swimmer. As long as you have an appreciation for the sport, that's all I ask. Trust me I make dolphin noises while swimming backstroke. It's all good. Teaching the kids how to swim when they're young is wise. They will thank you later, or they should.
I was trying to teach myself the flip turn to push off the wall last time. Comical might describe that best. ;o)
oh, those aren't easy to do. I've been doing them forever, but you wouldn't be able to tell since I flail my left arm a bit during each turn. I bet your turn is better than you think.
Irresistible, aren't they Bridget?
Thanks Egan, that makes me feel better. Of course, I haven't seen video of myself yet, LOL!
Hey, look! I have a record 12 comments and haven't even said "pee" yet!!!
Ha, ha - I love oreos, but my favorite part is not the middle, it's the chocolate cookie. But when it comes to sweets, it's all good. :-)
MMmmmm! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeets! I have a big sweet tooth! :o)
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