On the way to Kalamazoo there are some signs that really tell you a lot about this state. You've all heard of 8 Mile, yes? They're not very inventive here. Of course we have 8 mi, 9 mi, 10 mi, blah blah blah, but then, when those were all used up, Heaven forbid someone should actually NAME a road. So we have things like this:

I saw plenty more - 6 1/2, 18 1/2. . .
And when a new road comes through, they do this:

Because, again, creativity is from the devil, apparently.
On the other hand, there are some good ones:

And my favourite town -- I missed the best sign that gives you only 1 1/4 miles warning before you must:

That's not a lot of time at about 78 mph.
On the way to Kalamazoo, we pass Battle Creek, which is:

Can you smell the Corn Flakes?
We also pass a lovely establishment which we always make fun of:

But really, I think we'll all agree that it's better than dead ones.
On into Kalamazoo, where there is one of those banks with the stupidest name I've ever heard, as well as buildings both old:

and new:

right next to each other.

The space age-looking Jetsons building is where we were headed. Inside we saw CATS, CATS, CATS! There was a special room for the Savannahs and Servals which were what we had mainly gone to see. What magnificent creatures!

That guy is an F1 (first generation) male who was VERY friendly.
There were some darling kittens as well:

And an F1 female who was very outgoing:

I thought this sphinx had a face that only a mother could love (and that mother wasn't me) but Sluggie seemed to think it was cute:

It was surprisingly velvety, but I think it looks like Stitch:

Sadly, none of the signs directed us to purchase a Savannah today. (That's the Savannah breeder I talked to the most.) Too bad. They are truly awesome. I fell in love with one of her kittens, but she wasn't for sale. Just as well, since I didn't happen to have $8,000. (gasp) I'd even settle for a Bengal. (that's the Bengal breeder I spent the most time talking with) But I guess 4 kitties is good for now.
On the way out, we stopped by the hotel's MASSIVE saltwater aquarium which had plenty of cool fish, but I decided not to bore you with those pics in case no one else is a marine fish enthusiast like we are, LOL! I miss our saltwater tank! They even had a longnose hawkfish like our old "Lister." Someday we'll put another system together. When we get the right signs I guess.
please, please, I want the aquarium pics...send 'em to my email if you want. I love aquarium pictures. The cats are really something...tshsmom and I are more or less dog people, but I can still appreciate the beauty of a cat; although not THEIR price tag!
I'll take marine life pics over pussy pics any day! (well, unless we're talking about... well you know)
Great pictures today! Did you really say $8000?
Love the Climax sign. I wonder if all the people in that walk around perpetually happy.
Hi Scrunch! :o) I'll see if any are worth posting.
Fal - *snort* And yet look at your evolving avatar. . .
Jay - Yep. 8 grand for F1 females (because they're used for breeding), 5 for males (males are sterile until some fertile ones begin appearing in the F5 generation), 3 for "misfits" who come out "red" and look like gigantic orange tabby cats with wild cat markings.
Kitkat - I would think so. Though maybe somewhat exhausted. ;o)
There was a cougar or something like that running around here last year. (maybe it was the year before) They figure it was a drug dealer's pet that escaped and made for the less populated areas. I guess exotic pets are big with some of the dealers. Maybe I can catch one. (a pet, not a dealer)
So what does Fifth Third Bank mean? I don't get it.
I don't know. All I know is it's the STUPIDEST name for a chain of banks that I've ever heard in my entire life, and even though they're everywhere, I refuse to bank there based solely on the stupidity of the name.
OK, so just now I Googled it and it's still highly stupid. Maybe even more so than I thought:
(from Wikipedia)
Fifth Third's unusual name is the result of the June 1, 1908, merger of two banks, The Fifth National Bank and The Third National Bank, to become The Fifth Third National Bank of Cincinnati. Because the merger took place during a period when prohibitionist ideas were gaining popularity, it was believed that "Fifth Third" was better than "Third Fifth," which could be construed as a reference to "three-fifths" of alcohol. The name went though several changes over the years, until on March 24, 1969, the name was changed to Fifth Third Bank.
Thank you for explaining this. I have struggled with this name over the years. I bet they would have had more customers as 3/5 Bank.
I bet you're right, LOL! And I should have blogged this 3 days ago on the 37th anniversary, huh?
What a dorky name.
And it looks like five thirds. Five thirds of what?!?! Ultra-dorky.
That was really informative, thanks!
We had an aquarium until the local fish store went out of business. :(
I vote for 3/5 of a bank. You're right, Fifth Third Bank is DORKY!
There's a term for these types of numbers in math and I can't recall. Three Fifths Bank would have been perfect. Tons would go there to make it a round number.
Improper fractions. They are annoying. And yet 3/5 of a bank implies that things are missing. Like, say, YOUR MONEY!
TS - we had a 125 gal tank and it was sooooo cool. Dh had plumbed it into some extra reservoir tanks in the basement so that we had a total of about 300 gallons circulating through the system, which allows for a lot more flexibility before you encounter nitrate probs, etc. We bought live snad and rock that came with all kinds of critters in it. I swear every time I looked in there I'd see something new.
Watching aquarium life totally relaxes me.
thank you very much... improper fractions. I knew there was something wrong those freaking numbers, they're improper.
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