Oh my. Avert your eyes if you are bothered by claymation characters doing the forbidden dance. I actually think it seems rather impersonal.

Can't you just hear poor Bob singing now:
"Comme si, j'n'existais pas
Elle est passee au cote de moi
Sans un regard, Reine de Sabbat
J'ai dit Wendy, prends, tout est pour toi." **
Just the same, I guess I'll keep my eyes open for mini Bobs and Wendys climbing through the tree.
Hmmm. I have a 3-year-old making Bob and Wendy mate, and an 8-year-old who wants to marry Snape when she grows up. (!!!) OK, Alan Rickman has something going on, but she wants to marry SNAPE. What's up with that?
I have to say I'm a little bewildered.
** (translation "As if I didn't even exist, she walked right past me, without a glance, Queen of Sheba. I said "Wendy, take, it's all for you."
With apologies to Cheb Khaled. For the real thing, listen to his "Aicha" - a truly beautiful song.)
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